#RWYK Certified Great Read #Review –The Farmyard Idol by Angie Belcher
Drumroll, please…we are so excited to announce that The Farmyard Idol written by Angie Belcher has been named a Reading with Your Kids Certified Great Read. Angie’s book teaches kids in a fun and interactive way, you may recall Angie was a great guest on our podcast on June 24, 2018. !!
At ReadingwithYourKids, we believe that reading books together is a great way to connect with your kids on a level they understand. It gives you a chance to slow down your busy life and just be in the moment. This time also creates space for healthy dialogues, providing a much-needed chance to talk and really listen to each other.
The Farmyard Idol is a perfect book to teach self-confidence and encourage individuality in our kids. This is a wonderful conversation starter and just plain fun to read. Read on to find out all about The Farmyard Idol!
Here’s more information about the Author
Angie Belcher is a writer and full-time drama teacher. An ex-skydiver, ‘mad keen scuba diver, cave crawler and general try-anything-oncer’, she draws on these spine-tingling experiences to enrich her literary career. She is widely published, writing for both New Zealand and overseas magazines, and more recently has begun writing children’s and travel books.
Where can you find Agie Belcher on the internet?
Websites: www.angiebelcherwriter.com
Connect with Angie on Social Media
Facebook Pages: www.facebook.com/purplechickenpress/
Let’s have a look at the Book Blurb
The Farmyard Idol by Angie Belcher
When the farm animals see the sign “Searching for a Farm Yard Idol” they begin to recognize the individual talents they have, but not all of the judges are impressed. A Read-Aloud story recommended for children 4-8 years written by well-known New Zealand author Angie Belcher.
Click the link below to get your copy of The Farmyard Idol today!
Our Review
Such a fun musical read! You just can’t read it–you must sing it!
Packed with beautiful illustrations, The Farmyard Idol by Angie Belcher is a delightful story about musical farm animals that every young child will enjoy. A great read-aloud that will have both child and adult singing and dancing along.
The story follows farmer Fred and his magnificently melodic animals. When farmhand Joe suggests a competition to find which animal is the best, ‘Farmyard Idol’ is considered. A notice advertises the competition and the venue and all the far animals are excited to take their singing enjoyment to the next level. The Hen thinks she is perfect for this title and enters, as Dog, Horse, Rooster, Sheep, and Pig. The animals continue to perform in the ‘Farmyard Idol’ with Fred, his wife Betty and farmhand Joe as the judges. It’s a hard decision as to which animal is perfect! Read the book to find out who wins the prestigious title of “Farmyard Idol”!!
This fun book will also help any child who struggles with self-esteem to understand about his/her own self-worth through the example of Pig. When all the animals are confident and excited to take part in the competition, Pig thinks his voice is not good enough to impress the judges and he is not fit for the title. But what Pig learns with the help of other friendly animals, is that everyone – including him – can sing if they believe in themselves and be confident. This story teaches children to follow their heart, find their individuality and be a star in their own unique way. Also, a great way to help them learn about the name of farm animals!
This book is as cute as it is clever. The descriptive and colorful illustrations grab the reader’s attention and provide many different things for the reader to look at. Especially by the end of the book when all the animals are presented on the page. It allows for the children to practice their animal names as well as the sounds that each animal makes.
Final Verdict
Incredibly catchy! I think a child would probably get up and dance with the animals. Wonderful sound words and repetitive text for young readers. Great read aloud for ages 4 to 8. Cute and The many different sounds that the animals make are very creative and fun.
Congratulations to Angie Belcher for winning the RWYK Certified Great Read Status

In case, you missed. Check out Angie’s appearance on the podcast!
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Hope You Have An Amazing Day 😆