“Brother Sun, Sister Moon” – A One-man Musical by James Twyman

“Brother Sun, Sister Moon” – A One-man Musical by James Twyman post thumbnail image

In Conversation with James Twyman – Brother Sun, Sister Moon


Hello, and welcome to the Reading with your kids podcast!  

Our guest today is James Twyman, the author of sixteen books, including the NYT Bestseller The Moses Code. Known as the Peace Troubadour, he has been invited by world leaders and peace organizations to perform the Peace Concert in countries such as Iraq, Croatia, Bosnia, and South Africa—often while wars or conflicts raged around him.

In our exciting interview, James talks about the great experience that we can take with our family. He also shares how he blends his unique style of music with his international reputation for drawing millions of people together in prayer to influence the process of peace in countries torn apart by hatred and war.


Bestselling author, James TwymanBestselling author, James Twyman has been traveling around the world sharing his one-man musical based on the life of St. Francis of Assisi called “Brother Sun, Sister Moon.”

The exciting news is that next year the musical will be a Broadway production; and he’s coming to perform it for us this Wednesday night, May 1st at 7PM. ($20 Suggested Donation)
This event is part of James’s tour promoting his latest book “Giovanni and the Camino of St. Francis.”


Learn more about James on his website https://www.jamestwyman.com/


Interview Talking Points & Questions:

  • Tell us about James Twyman and your journey so far?
  • Talk about your Musical Broadway that you will be taking next February for a two-week run.
  • What time of the year are you taking this journey?
  • James plays a wonderful song from “Brother Sun, Sister Moon” Be like a  child (14:50 to 16:42)



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We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day😆



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