Start A Life Long Conversation About Health With Your Kids
We want you to read with your kids, we also want you to hike, experience media and cook with your kids. Author of the book Eat To Beat Alzheimers Francie Healey is here to share a delicious & totally interactive recipe we can create with our kids.
Francie also tells us how we can use this time in the kitchen together to teach our kids about making healthy choices. Francie knows that the food we eat can change the trajectory of our health and lives. By choosing certain foods over more popular alternatives we can literally improve our health and help to prevent the onset of different diseases.
This is a great chance for you to start a life long conversation with our kids about the connection between what we consume and the quality of our lives. Just think how much easier it will be to talk to our teens about drugs, alcohol and sex if we begin this conversation about healthy choices when they are young.
Please click here to visit Francie Healey’s Eat To Beat Alzheimer’s Website