Meet Tiffany Bluhm, an Author, Speaker and a Podcaster!

Meet Tiffany Bluhm, an Author, Speaker and a Podcaster! post thumbnail image

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Reading with Your Kids Podcast Ft. Tiffany Bluhm, author of “She Dreams: Live the Life You Were Created For”

Hello listeners, Welcome to iTunes #1 kids & Family podcast!

Please join us in welcoming Tiffany Bluhm to the Reading With Your Kids podcast!

Tiffany Bluhm is an author of the She Dreams and Never Alone books and Bible studies, is a speaker and writer who is passionate about helping women come to know their value and purpose because of a loving, redeeming God.

In this exciting interview, Tiffany talks about her latest book She Dreams, Her belief that dreams look different for each and every woman; and no matter what her background, losses, or standing may be, she is not to be silenced or dismissed but to rise up to take her place because it is her birthright to dream.

Tiffany also talks about teaching women’s Bible study, Sip, co-hosting Why Tho podcast and traveling to speak at Christian women’s conferences and events. We hope you enjoy his interview as much as we did recording it. Be Sure to Tune In!



About Tiffany Bluhm

Tiffany BluhmTiffany Bluhm is a speaker and writer who is passionate about helping women come to know their worth, value, and purpose because of a loving, redeeming God. In an engaging and relevant approach that speaks to women right where they are, she shares insights from a life spent chasing after Jesus while walking alongside women from suburbia to the inner city, jails, and brothels, and the slums of Kolkata. Because of her own story of international adoption and the adoption of a son from Uganda, Tiffany has a heart for women and children in the margins and has created a number of unconventional outreaches to serve them. In addition to speaking regularly at conferences and events, she leads a local gathering called Sip and Savor, where women break bread, study God’s Word, and commune with God and each other.
Tiffany writes for a number of online and print publications as well as popular blogs, including Deeply Rooted Magazine, and YouVersion Bible App, and her own weekly blog at She lives in Tacoma, Washington, with her husband and two sons.
You can connect with Tiffany on her website
Follow her on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.
She Dreams: Live the Life You Were Created For

She Dreams: Live the Life You Were Created ForEvery woman was born to dream—to live a life of beauty, passion, adventure, and purpose. Our dreams, no matter how big or small, push us to become women of courage, grace, and grit. In His goodness, God breathes new dreams within our hearts and revives the dreams that have died, inviting us to trust Him as we follow impossible dreams that only He can bring to pass—because God not only gives dreams; He fulfills them.

In She Dreams Tiffany Bluhm encourages you to discover and follow your God-given dreams as you consider how dreams take shape through practices such as reflecting, collaborating, lifelong learning, pursuing a passion, counting the cost, praying, holding onto hope, and trusting God. Looking to the biblical story of Moses, who lived out the God-sized dream given to him, she exposes the ancient wisdom God offers every woman with a dream within her soul. Through the encouraging account of God’s heart and hand in Moses’ life, as well as the examples of ordinary women, she dares you to say yes to the dreams the Lord is stirring in your own heart, trusting Him to bring them to pass as He breathes blessing and hope into your soul.

Click here for more information and to order your copy of the book and study!


In this episode,

  • Introduction to Tiffany Bluhm and her latest book, She Dreams: Live the Life You Were Created For
  • What has influenced/influences his writing?
  • Tiffany’s publishing process for her books & her experiences about approaching a publisher when he started out
  • What does Tiffany want readers to take away from her book?
  • What’s next in the pipeline for Tiffany Bluhm & more…Happy Listening!


A big Thank You to Tiffany for talking to us and sharing her book with our listeners!



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Have a stellar day!

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