#RWYK Certified Great Read #Review – Monadiki: The Goddess of Fierce Leadership by Allexia Brewer
Yay, It’s Friday! And we’re Back with our brand NEW Reading with Your kids Certified Great Read!
It is important to teach your kids that being yourself is something to celebrate. Today on the Reading with your kids, we are ELATED to introduce our readers to a very special children’s picture book that emphasizes the importance of embracing and accepting one’s uniqueness. And that book is none other than Monadiki: The Goddess of Fierce Leadership written byAllexia Brewer!
Let’s have a look at the Book Blurb
Monadiki: The Goddess of Fierce Leadership by Allexia Brewer
Monadiki is the inspirational tale of a girl who is born into a world of gods and goddesses and goes through the common struggles of growing up. Her parents know there is greatness in her, but Monadiki can only see one thing: she is different from all the other little goddesses. Monadiki doesn’t like eating lamb or wearing white togas and gladiator shoes, but she feels that fitting in is the only way to her happiness—until she realizes that what makes her different is exactly what makes her special.
In her first book, Allexia Brewer promotes a strong message of leadership for young girls to be proud of the unique gifts they are given at birth, and that if you follow your own dreams—not others’—you can live your life with authenticity. Monadiki is the young heroine every girl can look to for the courage to embrace her true self.
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Meet the Author: Allexia Brewer
Allexia resides in Blowing Rock, NC and is married with 3 daughters, her family always being her guiding light.
If you’d like to find out more about Allexia and her book, visit
Her website: fiercegirlslead.com
Social Media Links
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FIERCEWOMENENTREPRENEURS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allexiabrewer/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/allexiabrewer/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsjsYqjW47AMZS4yI4dMjQg?view_as=subscriber
Our Review
Monadiki: The Goddess of Fierce Leadership by Allexia Brewer is a unique, fascinating and magical story that kept me turning the pages!
This book touched our hearts!
Monadiki: The Goddess of Fierce Leadership byAllexia Brewer is a beautifully illustrated book with heartwarming messages about loving and accepting yourself for who you are. This book immediately captured our attention because of the magical and beautiful book cover. The main character is a strong and fierce girl named Monadiki, which means the special one in Greek.
Monadiki is the motivational and a powerful story set in a small village of Greece. It follows a young girl named Monadiki whose father is a God, and mother, a goddess. Monadiki is born with something different, and something that no other goddesses had. A glorious lavender highlight in her beautiful brown hair. She gets laughed at because of her hair. But her parents know that she is unique and extra special, yet, all Monadiki sees is one thing, she is different than other goddesses.
Monadiki is a goddess but just because she is, doesn’t mean she likes eating lamb or wearing white togas and gladiators. But she does it anyway to fit in with the other kids. With the help of a kind friend, Monadiki realizes that her lavender hair is a unique gift meant to be shared and admired. She finally discovers her true powers and gains the confidence of being herself and following her dreams. She is no longer afraid to show the world that it is okay to be different. I love how Monadiki is different but it’s her differences that make her the hero and it’s her uniqueness that makes her The Goddess of Fierce Leadership.
I love that Monadiki is portrayed as confident but not 100% sure of herself. It allows readers to truly connect, remembering those times when we are putting up a brave face even if inside we aren’t so sure. Being yourself is hard and the author connects to that while still creating a strong lovely heroine.
The illustrations are beautifully done and capture your attention throughout the entire story. But it is not just the pictures that make this story unusual, it is the lessons that it teaches children; here we have a young goddess and teenager struggling with responsibilities and emotions, but finding her true self in the end. Highly recommended for everyone who wants to give Medea a chance to prove herself!
Appropriate for 5-10-year-olds, Monadiki: The Goddess of Fierce Leadership will win you over with the drawings and the beautiful language. There are many wonderful themes running throughout this book that guide children to believe in themselves and to a strong message of leadership for young girls to be proud of the unique gifts they are given at birth. The message that having the courage to love and accept yourself for who you are carries a lot of weight. Honestly, we could go on and on about this book. So, do yourself a favor, go pick up a copy! You’ll be happy you did so!
Final Verdict
All in all, an entertaining and fun read. I can’t wait to read more from this new author, Allexia Brewer.
Congratulations to Allexia Brewer for winning the RWYK Certified Great Read Status

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