Zippy’s Special Gift by
: #RWYK CERTIFIED GREAT READby is a gem! We hope this latest addition to our Reading With Your Kids Certified Great Read will be a helpful tool in talking to your kids about how being yourself and being unique is actually a really great thing.
Congratulations to
Mom’s Choice Award®️Winner (Gold) and Recipient of Five-Star Readers’ Favorite Book Review
Zippy the Zebra doesn’t like her stripes. She doesn’t want to stand out! Follow Zippy as she embarks upon a thrilling adventure with her animal friends that helps her realize everyone is perfect just the way they are. Profits from the sales of Zippy’s Special Gift will be donated to one of Zebra Technologies’ strategic charitable partners, Bernies Book Bank, a non-profit organization that changes the story for under-served children and helps them read their way to a better life!
About Therese Van Ryne
Every child is unique with their own talents, interests, personalities, and physical appearance.
The animals in this book are all very different and although they do not like their specific feature they soon realize these differences are the special gifts that make them unique! Some have webbed feet, others can make sounds like a hoot, while one of his friends can take a leap.
The message? Differences are a cause for celebration! And the novelty items–
like tail, zebra stripes, webbed feet of a duck–add to the fun.
We love this particular rhyme from the book –
“Now I know why I have my stripes,”
Zippy said as her voice rang true.”
“These stripes are my
special gift because they
make me look like you!”
It sends such a fantastic message of self-acceptance. We love that this book can preach to kids without preaching at all.
a great book to encourage kids to have courage and belief in themselves and others will follow. The illustrations by Walter Policelli will stun you, they are so vibrant and paired so perfectly with the story. Wonderful!
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