Authors Nancy Churnin on Picture Books, Hidden Heroes & More!!

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RWYK Interview: A Chat with Nancy Churnin in Celebration of her Nonfiction ‘Picture Books’

Nancy Churnin's books


Happy Thursday everyone! Thank you for joining us on this edition of the iTunes # 1 Kids & family podcast Reading With Your Kids!

We have a very special show for you today. Reading with Your Kids is ELATED to bring to you an award-winning children’s author Nancy Churnin!

In our exciting interview, Nancy tells us how she is always on the hunt for the untold stories of people who inspires her and who help make the world a better place. With writing children’s books about “hidden” heroes — her mission is to share the stories of inspiring people that kids didn’t know about yet is her passion. Grab your cup of coffee and be prepared to get inspired!


Some of the books written by Nancy Churnin


The William Hoy Story: How a Deaf Baseball Player Changed the Game

The William Hoy Story: How a Deaf Baseball Player Changed the GameAll William Ellsworth Hoy wanted to do was play baseball. After losing out on a spot on the local deaf team, William practiced even harder—eventually earning a position on a professional team. But his struggle was far from over. In addition to the prejudice Hoy faced, he could not hear the umpires’ calls. One day he asked the umpire to use hand signals: strike, ball, out. That day he not only got on base but also changed the way the game was played forever. William “Dummy” Hoy became one of the greatest and most beloved players of his time!


Manjhi Moves a Mountain

Manjhi Moves a MountainDashrath Manjhi used a hammer and chisel, grit, determination, and twenty years to carve a path through the mountain separating his poor village from the nearby village with schools, markets, and a hospital. Manjhi Moves a Mountain shows how everyone can make a difference if their heart is big enough.



Where to purchase Nancy’s books?

Amazon      Barnes & Noble    Indiebound



About the Author

Nancy ChurninNancy Churnin is the theater critic for The Dallas Morning News and author of THE WILLIAM HOY STORY, HOW A DEAF BASEBALL PLAYER CHANGED THE GAME (Albert Whitman & Company), on the 2016 New York Public Library Best Books for Kids list, the 2017 Texas Library Association’s 2X2 and Topaz lists and the 2018 Illinois School Library Media Association’s Monarch Award Master List. MANJHI MOVES A MOUNTAIN (Creston Books), a 2017 Junior Library Guild fall selection, came out Sept. 1, 2017. Coming out in 2018: CHARLIE MAKES HIS SHOT: HOW CHARLIE SIFFORD BROKE THE COLOR BARRIER IN GOLF (Albert Whitman) in January; IRVING BERLIN, THE IMMIGRANT BOY WHO MADE AMERICA SING (Creston Books) in spring and THE PRINCESS AND THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE (Albert Whitman) in September. A native New Yorker, she’s a graduate of Harvard University, with a master’s from Columbia University School of Journalism, who lives in Dallas with her husband, sons and two cats.


Find Nancy’s books at:

Where can you find Nancy on the internet?

Her website:

Like Nancy Churnin’s books on Goodreads!


Connect with Nancy on Social Media

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In this episode, we discover

  • Introduction to Nancy Churnin and what attracted her to children’s literature?
  • How did she first become interested in the story of William Hoy?
  • Did Nancy always want to be a writer? Do we get to know a little bit about her writing journey?
  • What kind of research did Nancy do while writing the story?
  • Nancy’s books highlight lesser-known people.  How does she manage to educate without preaching?
  • Each of Nancy’s books offers kids solid ways to follow through and be inspired. Are there more picture books in the pipeline?
  • Exclusive sneak peek into some of the other nonfiction picture books written by her, upcoming projects and more …Tune in now to learn more!


A big thank you to Nancy Churnin for joining us and for sharing her books & her passion with us!



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We’d also love to hear what you think about the podcast and any suggestions on what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to connect with us on our social media, or email us anytime by contacting us.

Thanks for tuning in and have a pleasant day😆

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