The Story Of The Can’t That Could

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The Story Of The Can’t That Could

Is Our Latest Reading With Your Kids

Certified Great Reads

We Love The Story Of The Can’t That Could by Joan Yingling. We love this story, and we love the story behind this story!

First, The Story of the Can’t That Could is a fun way to inspire kids to choose to try and not waste time feeling sorry for themselves. We first meet Can’t, an adorably despondent creature, who sadly sits watching all the fun the Coulds are having. A tiny elf enters the picture and reminds Can’t that he isn’t doing what he should. Can’t takes this message to heart and musters up the courage to try, and is overjoyed at all the things he can do.

This is a fun rhyming read that families will love to experience together. The illustrations are fantastic and kids will want to give Can’t and all the Coulds a great big hug.


We also love how this story became a book. The Story of the Can’t That  Could was written by Joan C. Yingling. The story sat in a manila envelope for decades until her daughter, Lydia Cohn, fulfilled a lifelong dream to publish the story to share with the World.

We are happy that Lydia listened to the message of this story and inspire us all to become Coulds.




The Story of the Can’t That Could on Biteable.




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