Angel Krishna On Her Story Books!!!

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summer books

Author Interview with Angel Krishna


Angle Krishna Children's Story Books

Children’s author Angel Krishna writes stories about communication, helping others and believing in yourself. Through her new children’s book Monkeys and Crocodiles Play Baseball, author and fun-loving mom Angel Krishna encourages communication development through relatable jungle friends playing America’s favourite pastime. Angel encourages parents to listen to their children and to communicate with an open mind and a full heart. She reminds herself and those around her to enjoy life, always move forward, and be creative.


In this interview, Jed chatted with Angel Krishna to talk about her new books Monkeys and Crocodiles Play BaseballGabby’s Space Adventure. Angel also discusses what inspired her to write these stories, why communication is a great skill for children to have and the importance of using your imagination & teaching kids values through books. Stay tuned as Author Angel Krishna takes us through her new children’s books & more.


Gabby’s Space Adventure:

Gabby is a hippo who has a dream to go to outer space. Hippos in space, hmmm. . . Gabby is very determined, smart and always willing to learn. She has faced many challenges but nothing will stop her from achieving her ultimate goal, going to outer-space! Never let anyone tell you, you can’t do it! always keep going and moving forward. Be that positive force and prove to yourself you can do anything you set your mind to.


Monkeys and Crocodiles Play Baseball:

Join the Monkeys and the Crocodiles as they learn a valuable lesson about friendship, feelings and communication.

Listen to this episode to find out what Angel Krishna has to say about teaching kids values through books  & you will be amazed!

To know more about Angel Krishna & her books visit

Angel Krishna Amazon

Twitter: @AngelKrishna2



Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive amazon e book.Please click here to get your copy today.

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