Join Liddy for her Day out In The Country!

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Author Interview: Sarah Bowman on Liddy’s Day In The Country

Welcome! listeners, we’re so happy that you’re joining us for this episode of Reading with Your Kids Podcast. Joining us today is author Sarah L. Bowman in a one-on-one conversation with our host Jed Doherty.  Sarah has written a wonderful warm book for children titled Liddy’s Day In The Country,  A charming book about a young girl who head out to discover the country side. Children will love to join Liddy as she enjoys the sun and has a super time, learning about animals.

In today’s episode, Sarah tells us about her latest children’s book Liddy’s Day In The Country, What inspired her to write for children, Her journey from writing christian literature to becoming a successful children’s book author & illustrator. Listen and hear what Sarah has to say – you will be amazed!


Get to know more about Sarah L. Bowman

Sarah BowmanSarah L. Bowman began writing as a child. She was born in Dearborn, Michigan, later moving to the backwoods of Kentucky. There is where she fell in love with writing. She would climb upon the large rock that had fallen from the mountains above her home and write. She fell in love with the freedom and fantasy of writing. She later went on to publish her first book Isabella’s Journey. She has now written and published over seven books. She has won several awards for her poetry.

Sarah also loves to help illustrate for her fellow Authors. She uses a unique art style in each illustration. Sarah is a very down to earth person, loving the community and being involved in homeschooling groups. She has a strong love for animals and nature. She is a happily married wife and mother and loves photography. She is very active in yoga, church, and the Christian community. She hopes to continue writing in hopes of inspiring others to reach their dreams and full potential. Please, feel free to stop by Sarah’s Facebook page, to say hello, or to receive latest updates on books.


More about Liddy’s Day In The Country 

Liddy's Day In The Country

Liddy enjoys so many things, she enjoys the sun, the grass and the flowers, that grow on the hillside. She just loves the Country. Join Liddy as she has a super time, learning about animals. She is spending the day in the country.



Don’t miss this chance to buy your copy of Liddy’s Day In The Country. Click the link below



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In this episode, you’ll find out

  • Sarah describes her book and the main character Liddy
  • What was her initial inspiration for writing this book?
  • What messages are Sarah aiming to leave with her readers & what does she want children to take away from this book?

  • Some of the things kids can do and families can discuss after reading  Liddy’s day In The Country
  • What can Sarah’s fans look forward to next, other projects and much more….

A big thank you to Sarah for joining us and sharing her story! You’re going to just love hearing her insightful thoughts about reading with your kids & you’re going to love this episode. Be sure to listen!


Where online can people find Sarah?


Another Facebook Page of Sarah


If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.


Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!



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