Join Us In Celebrating “Can U Save the Day?” by Shannon Stocker

Join Us In Celebrating “Can U Save the Day?” by Shannon Stocker post thumbnail image

Meet Shannon Stocker, an award-winning author of “Can U Save the Day?”

Happy Friday everyone!

we’re thrilled to introduce our listeners to a very talented children’s book author, Shannon Stocker!

Shannon is joining us to celebrate her debut picture book, Can U Save the Day?  It’s a beautiful picture book that showcases how funny words look when they drop a few letters. It not only teaches kids about the alphabet, animal sounds, and spelling but it also focuses on the importance of vowels to the alphabet.

Shannon is joining us to talk about her book, her journey of becoming a children’s author, her advice on helping children remember and honor their loved ones, what inspires her work & much more. We hope you enjoy her interview as much as we did recording it. Be Sure to Tune In!



About Shannon Stocker

Shannon StockerShannon Stocker is an award-winning author and a proud word nerd who loves all letters equally. She lives with her husband, Greg, and her children, Cassidy and Tye, in Louisville, KY, where she molds the alphabet into picture books and songs all day. Shannon currently serves as SCBWI social co-director for Louisville, a judge for Rate Your Story, and created the blog series, Pivotal Moments: inHERview, highlighting transitional life stories of female picture book authors. Shannon is represented by Allison Remcheck of Stimola Literary Studio.
To subscribe to her blog, visit her website,
She can also be found tweeting positive quotes, mantras, and adorable animal pics @iwriteforkidz.
Her Skype is SKYPE: [email protected]

Learn more about “Can U Save the Day?”

B is an awfully boastful bloke and when he and the rest of the alphabet get together, he can’t help but tease the vowels about their small numbers. So the vowels begin to take off, one by one. The consonants–and the rest of the farm–see just how important vowels really are. With disaster looming and B seeing the error of his ways, can U save the day and set the alphabet right again?



Can U Save the Day? is now available on Amazon!


In this episode, we discussed

  • More about “Can U Save the Day?” and the inspiration for the title and story of this book
  • What kind of discussion families can have after reading Can U Save the Day?
  • Her blog inHERview, that highlights transitional life stories of female picture book authors
  • Shannon talks about some of the positive messages her book promotes, her upcoming project & much more…



We would like to say a huge thank you to Shannon for doing this interview! We’re very excited to see what she does next!  We hope you have enjoyed listening to this episode and be sure to keep your eye out for her future books.


We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a beautiful day😆

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