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In Conversation with Steven Joseph: An attorney, comedian, Zen master and the author of “The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris”
Hello, and welcome to the Reading with your kids podcast, your one stop solution to all your children’s book needs!
Our guest today is Steven Joseph, an attorney, and new Hoboken resident. He is joining us today to talk about his first children’s book titled “ The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TryantoCrankaTsuris.”
This book is dedicated to Steven’s daughter Vita who should always pursue her dreams, and to his Mom, who passed away in 2017, and was a Holocaust Survivor.
In our exciting interview, The book is not about overcoming our crankiness, but rather, to acknowledge and even embrace our own crankiness, especially with a bit of humor. It is only when you begin to acknowledge, you can then learn to control so the world can stay happy, and not too cranky!!
About Steven Joseph
The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris
Many people grew up believing that dinosaurs became extinct when the Dark Ages arrived, but that’s only partly true. Yes, the Dark Ages did come, but one cranky dinosaur survived and became mankind’s oldest ancestor: the TyrantoCrankaTsuris. In this playful, imaginative tale that draws inspiration from Jewish culture, author Steven Joseph reminds children and adults alike that we all have a little TyrantoCrankaTsuris in us and encourages readers to balance their woes with the positive things in life in pursuit of a happier world.
Follow Steven Joseph on Amazon to learn all about his book, to get new release updates and improved recommendations
In this episode,
- Steven describes his debut book The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TryantoCrankaTsuris and tells us how his main character teaches kids to be mindful of when and how often they complain.
- What inspired him to write this book?
- Steven mentioned that he wrote this book after his mom passed away so why did he wait to write this book?
- Steven also discusses what’s next for him, upcoming projects & more…Happy Listening!
A big Thank You to Steven Joseph for talking to us and for sharing his passion for writing with our listeners!
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We’d also love to hear what you think about the podcast and any suggestions on what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to connect with us on our social media, or email us anytime by contacting us.
Have a stellar day!
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