Motley Education

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Motley Education

Reading with your Kids Podcast Featuring S.A. Larsen


If you enjoy adventure, fantasy, and silly humour for middle graders, or paranormal, heart-pounding romance for teens then you’re going to love Motley Education!


Today, Sheri Larsen is visiting us to talk about her new release, Motley Education, and how it evolved over time. It is her first book in a middle grade fantasy-adventure series. Her work has appeared in numerous local publications and young adult anthologies Gears of Brass and Under A Brass Moon by Curiosity Quills Press. Look for her debut young adult novel, Marked Beauty, set for release in 2017. Find her in the land of lobsters, snowy winters, and the occasional Eh’ya with her husband of over twenty years, four children, a playful pooch, and two kittens.

Motley Education is a thrilling fun book that swirl around Ebony Charmed at home, at school, in her town of Peru, Maine. Forget having a lively after school social life, Ebony Charmed is fighting to keep the entire afterlife alive.

Ebony’s less-than-average spirit tracking abilities are ruining more than sixth grade at Motley Junior High: School for the Psychically and Celestially Gifted. Her parents argue so much her dad’s moved out. And, even though he’s scared of his own shadow and insists on bringing his slimy, legless lizard everywhere they go, Ebony wouldn’t survive without her best friend, Fleishman. When Ebony’s Deadly Creatures & Relics’ project goes missing she learns her missing project is one of the keys to saving the spirit world.

Now Ebony and Fleishman must battle beasts from Norse mythology to retrieve her project before spirits are lost, the Well of Urd dries up, and Ebony loses all hope of reuniting her family. But someone lies in wait, and he has other plans…including creating a new world of spirits without them in it.

Tune in as Sherri talks about her book & shares some fun facts while writing it. Listen as she also talks about her inspiration for writing Motley Education & encourages parents to read books with their middle graders as it is a great way to communicate with them & to grapple with difficult issues. She also gives us a quick sneak peek into her second book in the Motley Education series. Be sure to enjoy this episode & Ebony and Fleishman’s adventure!

You can visit Sherri’s website at


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