My Future Story
Reading with Your Kids Podcast Starring Lois Melbourne
Today at Reading with Your Kids Podcast, we are joined by author Lois Melbourne, of the My Future Story series. She inspires readers to identify and explore their passions, and shape their own future stories. As an entrepreneur and CEO of a talent management software company, Lois Melbourne loved her career, and especially loved spending time connecting with people, mentoring, and selling software. Now on to a new passion, Melbourne has created My Future Story, a book series for 9-12 year old exploring their exciting and almost limitless career opportunities. She is also developing an app for teens and twenty somethings to help match interests to education and career choices.
Listen as Lois talks about My Future Story series that includes two books Kids Go to Work Day & The STEM Club Goes Exploring.
In Kids Go to Work Day, You’ll join students exploring possible careers as they take charge of their own version of Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day. They plan and go on fun field trips to companies that have jobs that match their particular interests. A culinary school shares career options in the restaurant and food service industry. A trip to a nonprofit shows the students how its unique jobs help people in need. Join the students as they visit a candy factory and a publishing company, where they find out that the candy business and fashion and car magazines have loads of different jobs the students had no idea about before. The girls and boys come away enthusiastic and full of inspiration on how to respond to ”What do you want to be when you grow up?”
In The STEM Club Goes Exploring, students explore science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. While interviewing STEM professionals, the students prepare to make career presentations during their school s Favourites Day. Join STEM Club members Fran, Sara, Nixie, Winston, Patti, Betik, Jenny, Jesse, and their teacher Mr. Day, as they make field trips to a video game company, a veterinary clinic, a hospital, and even a mine, to learn more about career opportunities for professionals in STEM fields.
Stay tuned as Lois advises parents to experience her books with their kids as it can lead to some valuable conversations & open up great discussions. She also encourages parents to take their kids to their work place as it helps young people understand the professional world & will give them a great taste of what it is like to work in a particular field. Opening your children’s eyes to the possibilities that are out there is important in helping them choose the right path for them. The earlier they start doing this the better! Be sure to listen!
Click here to Visit Lois’ Web Page
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