Sid the Science Kid: Why are my shoes shrinking?

Sid the Science Kid: Why are my shoes shrinking? post thumbnail image

Sid the Science Kid: Why are my shoes shrinking?by N-T Raymond

Review By Fatima Khan, Associate Producer,

I absolutely loved reading Sid the Science kid. This is a valuable story and is a nice complement to other books featuring Sid.  This picture book is based on the Sid the Science Kid TV show (a Jim Henson production) and follows the standard format of the TV show. This series follows a boy named Sid, a very curious kid, through a school day.

Sid starts the day with a question, and the class explores the science behind it with simple experiments and class discussion. The program’s tone is very light and humorous, filled with lots of music and jokes, and it is effective for teaching natural science. Sid himself appears to be in first or second grade, but the show is aimed at Pre-K and kindergarteners too, as there is no reading involved, just a lot of music and exploration. Sid teaches young viewers about science and how things work using humorous and interesting methods. This book is wonderful for young kids below 4 years and this particular book uses simple language to teach kids a very important lesson that “Every living thing grows”.

In this storybook, Sid can’t wear his favourite shoes to school anymore because they are too small. They fit last summer, so why are they shrinking??With the help of his family, friends and teacher, Sid learns that his shoes are not shrinking instead he is growing. The story introduces very simple science concepts, and one science word, “Transformation” (when something changes into something else). The illustrations are super cute and it’s a fun theme that preschoolers can relate to.

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