Logan Secret – A Retired Racing Greyhound’s Amazing Survival Story
Reading With Your Kids Podcast Starring Suzanne Burke
Are you a dog lover? If you are you are going to love Logan’s Secret.
Dogs have been a part of my family forever. Often times you may hear our dog Auggie sniffing around the mic during one of our interviews. (In fact he decided to crash today’s interview.)
When I am performing my educational magic shows I will often times ask kids “what are you thankful for?” The three most popular answers? My family, my life and my dog.
I think having dogs, and pets, is a great way for a family to help their child learn how to love something other than themselves.
Today we welcome Suzanne Burke, author of Logan’s Secret: A Retired Racing Greyhound’s Amazing Survival Story. It is a wonderful story, and Suzanne is a wonderful guest.
Click here to get your copy of Logan’s Secret