Special Shoes for My Little Feet: #RWYK Certified Great Read

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Special Shoes for My Little Feet by Susan D. Powers, Illustrated by Kimberly Sponaugle: #RWYK Certified Great Read – Book Review

Congratulations to Susan D. Powers!

Special Shoes for My Little Feet is our latest certified great read!



Special Shoes for My Little FeetIt all starts with wonder…


and four pairs of Special Shoes for My Little Feet.


“What makes me so important?” Gilbert asks.

“Is it my red hair and blue eyes?

Maybe it’s my singing voice.

I don’t know, but I sure would like to find out.

But how? ”

* * *

When every reason he can think of fails to give him an answer,

Gilbert turns to his family’s special shoes.

Incredibly, the shoes have amazing powers –

transporting him into past events

through the memories of his parents and grandparents.


Join Gilbert on an adventure through his family legacy,

discovering the secret of the special shoes,

while learning what makes him so important.


About the Author

Susan D. PowersIt’s the little moments that, if we’re paying attention, can create the biggest impact on our lives. One day, when Susan’s granddaughter was about two years old, she came into the kitchen wearing Susan’s oversized high heels, proclaiming, I’m Grandma! It was one of those profound moments, as Susan watched her granddaughter proudly stomp around the kitchen in her shoes, that made her stop and consider the question: Are you happy with the legacy you are leaving your kids and grandkids? The answer was a resounding…No! Susan started to look at areas of her life that fell short, and she wasn’t happy with the legacy she had created up to that point. So, she began to work on herself-transformational work. She declared that the legacy she was going to leave would create such a positive ripple effect that it would carry through for many future generations to come! The image of Susan’s granddaughter in her oversized high heels never left her, and it made her wonder what else her granddaughter was seeing while wearing her shoes? Along with Susan’s journey to give her children and grandchildren a powerful legacy, the moment inspired her to write a picture book about a child’s adventure into the lives of his family by wearing their shoes. Since the publication of Special Shoes for My Little Feet, Susan continues to write for children. She lives with her family and two cats, Leo and Arlo, in Northern California.

Connect with Susan on social media at https://linktr.ee/susandpowers



Special Shoes for My Little Feet by Susan D. Powers, illustrated by Kimberly Sponaugle tells the story of a little boy named Gilbert. One morning while putting on their shoes, Gilbert’s daddy tells him that shoes he is wearing aren’t just any ordinary shoes. They are his family’s special shoes. Gilbert wonders what makes them special? And why is he important? Is it his red hair or blue eyes? Maybe it’s his singing voice or maybe it’s how good he is at training his pets. Whatever it is. This little boy is determined to find the secret about his family’s special shoes. Gilbert decides to wear each one of these four pairs of Special Shoes to learn about their superpowers. When the magic shoes are put on this little boys feet, he is off to an adventure to experience and relive the special moments  he shared with his parents and grandparents. Along the way, Gilbert learns that it is his family that makes him so important. Put on your shoes and join in on the fun!

A fabulous, fun, and sweet book about family legacy that will inspire your kids to learn more about their own heritage. The illustrations by Kimberly Sponaugle will stun you, they are so vibrant and paired so perfectly with the story. Wonderful!

This is a short bedtime story for a quick read.




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