Lori Orlinsky on her Second Picture Book “The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache”

Lori Orlinsky on her Second Picture Book “The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache” post thumbnail image

The Return of Lori Orlinsky on the RWYK Podcast – The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache

Hey everyone,

Lori Orlinsky is back on the Reading with Your Kids podcast to talk to us about her second picture book “The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache” which is another lesson-based book, just released on January 7, 2020. The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache is a children’s picture book beautifully illustrated by Vanessa Alexandre.

We are also joined by Lori’s daughter Hailey Orlinsky for our very first storytime podcast!


More About Lori Orlinsky

Lori OrlinskyLori Orlinsky is a multi-award-winning children’s book author, freelance writer, and marketing director who lives in Chicago. Lori is certified by the CDC in Bullying Prevention and Response Training and is an ambassador for the PACER’s National Bullying Center. At 5″1, she wishes her book “Being Small (Isn’t So Bad After All)” was around while she was growing up.




Facebook handle: @beingsmall
Instagram: @beingsmallbook

More about “The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache”

The Tooth Fairys Tummy AcheEllie has been eagerly awaiting the day she can finally trade in her first baby tooth for a coveted prize from the Tooth Fairy. But when the time comes, the unthinkable happens! Ellie swallows her tooth!

Knowing she can’t disappoint the Tooth Fairy, Ellie decides to lie about what really happened to her tooth. But when her fib leads to big trouble in Fairyland, will Ellie be able to set things right again?







Interview Talking Points & Questions:

  • Tell us about your brand NEW picture book, The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache (02:00)
  • Who or what inspired the idea for The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache? (03:30)
  • What would you say to somebody who tells you shouldn’t be telling your kids about Tooth Fairy? (05:00)
  • Being an author is being in the book business. Do you agree with this? (08:30)
  • Were there any resources that helped you in your journey to becoming a published author?  (10:30)
  • What has been the reaction of people at the Chicago Toy & Game Fair? (11:15) 
  • What it is like for your daughters to know that their mother is a children’s author? (12:55)
  • Listen as Hailey Orlinsky and Jed read Lori’s first picture book “Being Small Isn’t So Bad After All(22:30)


A big Thank You to Lori Orlinsky & her little daughter for joining us. Thank you, Lori, for talking to us and for sharing your passion for writing with our listeners!


If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

We’d also love to hear what you think about the podcast and any suggestions on what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to connect with us on our social media, or email us anytime by contacting us.

Have a stellar day!

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