Sunday Special with Paul Hoffman & Nick Patton!!

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Introducing Paul Hoffman & Nick Patton, Author & Illustrator of “Sam and the Seven-Pound Perch”

Happy Sunday ReadingWithYourKids Family!!!

Hello everyone. Keep an eye out for this episode of Reading with your kids Podcast! We are thrilled to introduce you all to a wonderful Kidlit author Paul Hoffman and illustrator Nick PattonJed interviewed Paul & Nick to talk about their latest released picture book Sam and the Seven-Pound Perch, their inspiration for writing and illustrating children’s books & benefits of reading with children & more. 

We’re so grateful to Paul & Nick for digging deep into their book, they open up about their inspiration for the story and the pictures, 

There’s a lot of real talks here, along with lots of laughs. Take a listen, and we’re sure you’ll be inspired!


Learn more about Paul Hoffman

Paul Hoffman has always enjoyed poetry and storytelling. ‘Sam and the Seven Pound Perch’ was written to entertain a group of young children (and their parents) during a family fishing vacation. Paul stays young at heart tutoring elementary school students and spending ‘Papa time’ with his five grandchildren Sophie, Anna, Elena, Oliver, and Sam.


A note from Illustrator Nick Patton

I’m the host of Picturebooking: a podcast that showcases the authors and illustrators behind your favorite children’s books. Each episode we dive deep into what it takes to create memorable picture books.

I’d like to tell you that I started Picturebooking to celebrate children’s books. But that would not be completely true.

I started this podcast out of frustration. I had been pursuing the life of a professional author and illustrator for ten years, but at that time I only completed one story. Sure I was published, but I still felt like an outsider alone in a creative void.

Honestly, I created this podcast in the hopes of generating an audience to share and ultimately sell my stories too. I dreamed of the power this audience would have. It would surely open doors for my stories to get published.

It was all selfishly about me.

But then I started interviewing other authors, illustrators, and book lovers. And these people are so amazing! They are generous and giving and real. Their creativity is contagious. These people and their stories deserve the spotlight. The world needs professional storytellers. And we need to cultivate a culture that fosters storytelling.


More about Sam and the Seven-Pound Perch

Sam and the Seven-Pound PerchMy first word wasn’t “Mama,” like most mothers wish. What came out of my mouth wasn’t “Dada,” but “FISH.” Sam loves to fish! He spends his days on the lake fishing for perch with his Gramps. But when Gramps tells a tall tale about the day he hooked and lost a seven-pound perch, Sam is determined to catch the monster fish. With Gramps’ lucky hat and his faithful dog Jock, Sam begins his search for the world-record perch. Sam and the Seven-Pound Perch is a delightful, humorous, and inspiring story about determination, family, friendship, and doing the right thing. Readers young or old, angler or landlubber, will be surprised and amused by Sam’s inventive solution in his quest for the seven-pound perch.

Click the Amazon link below to grab your copy and we’re sure it will leave your kids giggling every time they read!


In this episode, you’ll learn

  • More about Sam and the Seven-Pound Perch
  • More about Children’s book author Paul Hoffman, illustrator and a podcast host Nick Patton.
  • Inspiration for the story and pictures
  • At what point in his life did Paul Hoffman decided that he wanted to be an author of children’s books? And, what steps did he take to make that happen?
  •  Paul shares some of his family’s story time routine and his passion for picture books
  • Nick talks about his love for picture books and his podcast named Picture Booking that showcases the authors and illustrators of your favorite children’s books
  • What are they currently working on, future projects and much more


If you’d like to find out more about Nick and his podcast


Connect with him on Social Media

Facebook    Twitter


A big Thank you to Paul Hoffman & Nick Patton for doing this Interview!

We truly enjoyed having this conversation with Paul & Nick. We think you’ll like it too! We’re so glad to bring this wonderful to all our listeners and we hope you’ll check out more of their books in the future!


If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful Sunday😆

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The Great Maritini by Jedlie


Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from a perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive Amazon e-book. Please click here to get your copy today.

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