The Raindrop Who Couldn’t Fall

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The Raindrop Who Couldn’t Fall

Reading With Your Kids Podcast Interview with Kirsti Call

Great success comes from failure!

How many times do you try before you give up? This is the question that little Plink considers after failing to fall repeatedly. The Raindrop Who Couldn’t Fall by Kirsti Call helps 3 to 8 year old children understand that learning to do things is not always easy and sometimes it takes the support and love of others to succeed.

The Raindrop Who Couldn’t Fall is a story for young readers based on the idea that changing your thought patterns can change the outcome of events in your life. The main character, Plink, is unable to fall from her cloud until she changes the way she thinks about falling and starts to believe in her abilities.

In this episode of Reading with Your Kids Podcast, Kirsti and Jed talk about how Books have the power to heal & help kids grow to be the people they are meant to be and what inspired Kirsti to write The Raindrop Who Couldn’t Fall.

Kirsti call is an author, a reader and a therapist. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband and five children. She loves reading, writing and singing.

Tune in as she talks about her love of reading and how it made writing a necessity for her. Kirsti loves how books teaches about life and love and who we are and who we want to be.

Click here to visit Kirsti’s Web Page

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