The Trotters of Tweeville

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The Trotters of Tweeville

Reading With Your Kids Podcast Starring Shirin Zarqa Lederman

“Think before you speak!”

Have you ever wondered if your words have an effect on others? What does the other person feel when you tell them your feelings without thinking first? Well, Harraf Namrattle finds out when she tells her friends and neighbours her unfiltered thoughts in the “Trotters of Tweeville”.



The Trotters of Tweeville is a series of books dedicated to teaching life long lessons to children while reminding their storytellers of the basic good natured humanity unique to childhood.  Each edition delivers the simplicity of being kind to your fellow humankind.  In the previous stories, characters learn about the Golden Rule and thinking before speaking.

Shirin Zaqa Lederman is back on the Reading with your kids podcast to talk about her new book & her writing inspiration. She has written a series of children’s books that teach kids simple but oh so very important lessons on how we should treat others. She is a wife and mother of five children. Shirin lives in New Jersey with her family, where she was born and raised. She is a Board Certified Professional Counsellor and is licensed in NJ. Her 17 year counselling  career has focused solely on children and adolescents and their families.

In this interview Shirin tells us about her inspiration for creating wonderful characters that populate Tweeville. We also get to hear about all the Tweevillers and how they demonstrate their kindness and remind the reader and the story teller how to be kind.

Stay tuned as Shirin talks about other books in The Trotters of Tweeville series & mentions that third book JouJou McVue promotes kindness as a virtue. She also talks about her future projects, life lessons her lighthearted stories conveys with likeable young protagonists…and much more!  Be sure to listen & enjoy!

Be sure to check out to know more about Shirin’s books and to connect with her.




Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive amazon e bookPlease click here to get your copy today.


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