Totally Ninja Raccoons!!!

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Totally Ninja Raccoons Meet Bigfoot

Reading With Your Kids Podcast Starring Kevin Coolidge

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What could be more fun and exciting than meeting Kevin Coolidge, author of the Totally Ninja Raccoons!!!

In The Totally Ninja Raccoons meet Bigfoot, our furry friends discover they are not meant to be ordinary bandits, but rather carry the potential to be something extraordinary, ninjas!!! In this origin story, the Ninja Raccoons begin their ninja training, and meet their first potential employer–Gypsy the Cat. Gypsy sends the Raccoons on their first mission, to capture the elusive Bigfoot.

Things aren’t what they seem to be. Bigfoot isn’t the monstrous beast, as he’s been portrayed. Gypsy isn’t the benign employer. Cats want to take over the world.

During this adventure the Totally Ninja Raccoons learn that sometimes you have to choose your own path if you want to choose your destination.

Would you like to own an autographed copy of The Totally Ninja Raccoons Meet Bigfoot? Use the share buttons below to share this post with everyone in your social media family and you will be entered to win!!! Increase your chances to win by sharing to multiple platforms multiple times!!! Good luck!!!


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