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Meet Nic Stone – Debut Author of New York Times Bestseller ‘Dear Martin’
Happy Sunday RWYK family! Today, we’re celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and when we were drumming up ideas for who to have on the podcast for this episode, We knew one thing for sure: We wanted to talk to Nic Stone. Nic is the first-time author of a New York times bestseller YA title Dear Martin.
DEAR MARTIN tells the story of a young man who begins a journal of letters to the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. after he is racially profiled, is touching hearts and stirring conversation in light of current events and America’s contentious political landscape.
In our exciting interview, we talk with Nic about the book, her inspirations for Dear Martin, Race relations & Social injustice in modern America, her upcoming projects and much more. Tune in to find out all about Nic and her book!
Here’s more information about Nic Stone
Nic Stone was born and raised in a suburb of Atlanta, GA, and the only thing she loves more than an adventure is a good story about one. After graduating from Spelman College, she worked extensively in teen mentoring and lived in Israel for a few years before returning to the US to write full-time. Growing up with a wide range of cultures, religions, and backgrounds, Stone strives to bring these diverse voices and stories to her work.
More about ‘Dear Martin’
Justyce McAllister is top of his class and set for the Ivy League—but none of that matters to the police officer who just put him in handcuffs. And despite leaving his rough neighbourhood behind, he can’t escape the scorn of his former peers or the ridicule of his new classmates.
Justyce looks to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for answers. But do they hold up anymore? He starts a journal to Dr. King to find out.
Then comes the day Justyce goes driving with his best friend, Manny, windows rolled down, music turned up—way up, sparking the fury of a white off-duty cop beside them. Words fly. Shots are fired. Justyce and Manny are caught in the crosshairs. In the media fallout, it’s Justyce who is under attack.
In this episode
- Nic reads out an excerpt from her novel Dear Martin
- Nic Describes her novel, Dear Martin & the main characters
- What inspired her novel & Why did Nic chose to have her main character, Justyce, write to King, specifically?
- What kind of discussions parents can have with their kids after reading ‘Dear Martin’
- Nic talks about some of the positive messages her book promotes, her upcoming project & much more…
A big Thank You to Nic Stone for this interview and we’re sure your powerful book will change lives!
If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.
Have a wonderful day!
You can discover more about Nic and her book by visiting
Her website:
Twitter: @getnicced
Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive amazon e book. Please click here to get your copy today.