Children’s Author Interview: Reading With Your Kids Podcast!

Children’s Author Interview: Reading With Your Kids Podcast! post thumbnail image

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Reading With Your Kids Podcast Ft. Anita Kelly Gaunt & Laura Hockensmith

My gosh,  we’re so excited to bring you this corker of an episode. In this ginormously long conversation we talk mega deep with the outstandingly talented and awesome children’s book authors Laura HockensmithAnita Kelly Gaunt!

Laura’s books follow the traveling adventures of Kiba, a pint-sized, fluffy dog with pointy ears. Come listen in as Laura tells us about how she sort of ‘fell into’ writing this super amazing book named Kiba’s Fun in the Sky in her Kiba Tales series.

We also have another special guest for you. Please welcome to the show, Anita Kelly Gaunt! She is the author of the Literacy Tales series which has been written specifically for preschool and primary school children.  It allows learners to explore and build confidence around letters and sounds.

Overall, this is among the stronger episodes in the Reading With Your Kids library, if you ask us. It is refreshing, thoughtful, funny, and certainly entertaining.


Here’s more information about Laura Hockensmith

Laura Hockensmith, The author and KibaLaura Hockensmith is an unlikely children’s book author.  An investment banker turned nomadic traveler, she was inspired by her playful dog to write the Kiba Tales Series.

Her books follow the traveling adventures of Kiba, a pint-sized, fluffy dog with pointy ears.

Born in Pennsylvania, Laura lives in the Netherlands and travels through Europe with her dog in a self-built camper.  She also illustrates the Kiba Tales Series with her boyfriend.
Do you want adventurous stories about a little dog, full of rhyming and colorful illustrations? Then, Kiba Tales are the perfect books for your little one!

For more information on Laura and her books, visit

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More about Kiba’s Fun in the Sky: One Dog’s Flying Adventure (Kiba Tales)

Kiba's Fun in the Sky: One Dog's Flying Adventure (Kiba Tales)

“Kiba’s Fun in the Sky” is a playful story about a little dog, full of rhyming and colorful illustrations.

Everything is ready for the big trip, but at the last minute, the dog sitter is sick! Kiba will have to fly along with her humans. Will it be a normal plane ride…or another one of Kiba’s adventures?

A great gift for any occasion, but a special stand-out for children who will be flying soon!

The Kiba Tales series is based on the real-life traveling dog, Kiba.

Click the link below to grab your copy today!


More about Anita Kelly Gaunt & her books

Anita Kelly GauntThere’s something magical about opening a book and entering the world of a child. To see through their eyes, believe in magic and imagine without limitations.

I love that within the pages of a book, my stories can inspire, teach, and entertain. I want children to be able to explore ideas, values, and concepts relevant to childhood and growing up.

Whether you are new to the series, or you have been collecting since the start, your child is bound to love Anita’s books.

Front cover page of book titled The Fair Factor

The Fair Factor is about two naughty children who drive their parents up the wall. One day a fairy appears and decides to give them a taste of their own medicine. When the children wake up in the morning, they have fully grown adults and their parents have shrunk down to kid-size!

The story is fun to read and the scenario is one type of a young family, so adults and children alike will be able to relate to the dynamics. By the end of the story, the reader will (hopefully) have learned about consideration towards other people.

At the end of the book is a page of extended learning including a quiz and activity ideas. Parents or educators can use these to revisit the story to see what has been remembered and understood.

I am a qualified and registered Early Childhood teacher; I have spent time volunteering in a New Entrant class. I want to help give children the best start possible and ensure they have fun with their learning. The content of my series will help children build strong foundations in early literacy and empower a new generation of confident readers!

For more information on Anita and her books

Visit her website:


In this interview, you’ll hear

  • Introduction to Laura Hockensmith and her latest children’s book Kiba’s Fun in the Sky
  • Laura talks about being an unlikely children’s book author, how being an investment banker turned nomadic traveler, she was inspired by her playful dog to write the Kiba Tales series.
  • Some of the extended learning including a quiz and activity ideas at the back of the Literacy Tales Series that parents or educators can use these to revisit the story to see what has been remembered and understood.





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And please spread the word: tell your friends, and leave a rating on iTunes so that others can find it.

we’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day😆

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Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from a perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive Amazon e-book. Please click here to get your copy today.

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