Come Join us for The Adventures Of Monty Dogge!!

Come Join us for The Adventures Of Monty Dogge!! post thumbnail image

The Great Maritini by Jedlie

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Adventures Of Monty Dogge, an Interview with Mark Sanders

Hello everyone! We are ELATED to welcome you all to another episode of Reading with Your Kids Podcast! 

We’re excited to introduce you to our guests Monty, a large white-and-black Newfoundland dog & his owner Mark Sanders. Mark has written several children’s book and has been inspired to write from the perspective of Monty Dogge.

In this episode, Mark Sanders discusses his latest book in the adventures of Monty Dogge series titled Monty and the Poppit Dragon, describes the main character Monty, tells us how did he come up with the idea to write this story &some of the campaigns that they have worked on so far

Be sure to Listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page!



More about Monty and the Poppit Dragon

A Seaside Adventure!
Monty, Cookie and the spangles are off on their holidays to sunny Pembrokeshire and the beautiful beach at Poppit Sands.

In a cave, they meet a new friend, the Poppit Dragon, who is sad because she can’t fly. Can Monty and the gang save the day?

Be sure to check out this funny, sometimes moving, and ultimately uplifting story for children! 


In this episode,

  • Mark shared more about The Adventures of Monty Dogge series
  • Explains how her stories have the underlying message of friendship, helping ones in need and displaying courage when friends are in trouble.
  • More about Monty’s work for the fundraiser for a variety of charities including Silver Paws rescue, Canine Partners, Pilgrim Bandits, and the Poppy appeal.
  • He also discusses the importance of reading with your kids, enforcing positive behavior in kids, his upcoming books & more…


Where can you find Mark on the internet?

His website:

Twitter: @Montydogge 

Instagram: monty_dogge


A big thank you to Mark for joining us and for sharing his wonderful little books with us. We are very excited to see what he does next!  We hope you have enjoyed listening to this episode and be sure to keep your eye out for his future books!



If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

We’d also love to hear what you think about the podcast and any suggestions on what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to connect with us on our social media, or email us anytime by contacting us.

Thanks for tuning in and have a pleasant day😆


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