Corrie & Lee Locke-Hardy on “The Tiny Activist”

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RWYK Interview: Join us in Welcoming Corrie & Lee Locke-Hardy, the founders of The Tiny Activist

Corrie & Lee Locke- Hardy


Happy Thursday people!

Today on the Reading with Your Kids Podcast, we’re delighted to speak with Corrie and Lee Locke-Hardy, two passionate educators who dream of changing the way they learn about marginalized cultures, and imagine creating an intentional community out in the woods of Western Massachusetts, and that reality is getting closer day by day!

Corrie and her spouse Lee (they/them) run a website called The Tiny Activist, which focuses on introducing multicultural and social-justice oriented literature to children. Corrie believes that community building and engagement are crucial for a healthy world and her mission is to create a classroom atmosphere of diversity and acceptance for everyone!


Learn more about Corrie & Lee

Corrie Locke-HardyCorrie (she/her) is a UMass Boston alumni, and a graduate student in the Gender/Cultural Studies department at Simmons University in Boston.  She currently works as a TA at Simmons University, and as a Farmer’s Market Manager on the weekend (she can never have too many hustles). Corrie became fascinated with gender stereotyping in early childhood classrooms when she taught in a Junior Kindergarten class.  Her mission is to assist teachers in learning how to create a classroom atmosphere of diversity and acceptance for everyone!


Lee Locke HardyLee (they/them) is a graduate of Smith College who previously worked in the field of education and childcare for 10 years. They recently changed over to working at a social services company that offers training and assistance to people who work with individuals who are experiencing homelessness, Substance Use Disorder and/or mental illness. Lee is a recovering History major, who rejoices at discovering historical narratives that have previously been silenced, erased or destroyed. Lee’s mission is being fully themselves and hopefully have a part in creating a safer world, a place where GNC (gender non-conforming) and nonbinary people are able to live out their truth!

Connect with Corrie & Lee Locke-Hardy on their website



In This Episode, You’ll Hear

  • What inspired Corrie and Lee to create The Tiny Activist?
  • Corrie talks about why it is so important for us to talk about how ae different communities intersect with each other?
  • Corrie and Lee talk about their goal to find the best children’s books and to spread the knowledge and understanding about the best children’s literature
  • Benefits of families reading the books available on The Tiny Activist website with their kids
  • Corrie and Lee talk about their personal favorite books listed on their website.



We would like to say a huge thank you to Corrie & Lee for doing this interview! We’re very excited to see what they do next!  We hope you have enjoyed listening to this episode as much as we did recording it!


We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a beautiful day😆

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