Introducing “Rock and Roll Woods” by Sherry Howard

Introducing “Rock and Roll Woods” by Sherry Howard post thumbnail image



Meet A Debut Picture Book Author – Sherry Howard

Hello listeners, Welcome to iTunes #1 kids & Family podcast!

Please welcome Sherry Howard to the Reading With Your Kids podcast.

In this exciting interview, Sherry talks about sensory issues in children, her latest kidlit “Rock and Roll Woods”, a picture book about sensory Integration and insider jokes for parents with autistic kids. We hope you enjoy her interview as much as we did recording it. Be Sure to Tune In!


More about the author

Sherry HowardSherry Howard lives with her children and crazy dogs in Middletown, Kentucky, a stone’s throw from the beautiful horse farms Kentucky is always bragging about. Sherry was a teacher, consultant, author, and principal in one of the largest urban/ suburban school districts in America. Her poems and stories appear in multiple journals and anthologies. She loves to write for children and has written for all ages. An educator by trade, she’s a writer by choice and enjoys both prose and poetry. Her busy household is two dancing bears short of a zoo, but she still finds time to write.

You can discover more about Sherry Howard and her books by visiting

Her website:


Rock and Roll Woods

An appealing, rollicking, and heart-warming read, with an important message in this compelling story of a bear’s struggles with the world around him. 

Rock and Roll WoodsKuda is a bit of a grump who doesn’t like change. So when he wakes up to find new neighbors and loud, strange noises in his woods, he is not happy. Will his desire to be with his friends overcome his objections to loud sounds? And might Kuda’s courage help him discover that new things and rock and roll music can be pretty great? Featuring helpful backmatter about Sensory Integration and insider jokes for parents with autistic kids.

Visit Amazon to check out the book, read reviews and buy your own copy!


In this episode, you’ll find out

  • Introduction to “Rock and Roll Woods
  • What inspired Sherry to write this book?
  • What does Sherry hope that readers will gain from reading her book?
  • How can we encourage parents to talk math with their kids?
  • Some of the amazing resources available on Sherry’s website for teachers and educators to help kids with Sensory Processing Disorder
  • What’s next in the pipeline for Sherry Howard & more…Happy Listening!



A big thank you to Sherry Howard for joining us and for sharing her amazing book with us!


If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

We’d also love to hear what you think about the podcast and any suggestions on what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to connect with us on our social media, or email us anytime by contacting us.

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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