January 13, 2021 Newsletter

January 13, 2021 Newsletter post thumbnail image

Reading in the New Year!

We had so much fun putting together Reading in the New Year! We thought we would feature some of our favorite videos in our newsletters throughout the year. Here is the first one!

What you missed

The Big Move

Helping Kids Fight Cancer


Marla Huehmer returns to the podcast to celebrate her new children’s picture book The Big Move. Moving can be a challenge for adults, and especially challenging for kids. Marla also talks about her unique illustration style and how we can create fun picture books with our kids.

Eva Grayzel wants you to know that we all have a treasure box inside of us that is filled with strength. Eva’s picture book Mr C Plays Hide & Seek makes cancer less scary for children and provides a sense of empowerment, showing children how they can make a difference.

Our guest is the podcast host known only as KK. This fascinating young woman is the host of the Insider Scoop Podcast. While she keeps her identity private she shares great insights that parents will find extremely enlightening.

Certified Great Read Spotlight

The Power of Positivity By Ruth Mallie

The Power of Positivity: The ABC's of a Pandemic

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