Learn “How to Potty Train a Dinosaur” by Alycia Pace

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Meet Alycia Pace, the author & illustrator ofHow to Potty Train a Dinosaur”

We all know having a dinosaur is hard work,

and cleaning up dino poo in the backyard is FAR from fun!

So how do you potty train a dinosaur?

Joining us on today’s edition of the Reading With Your Kids Podcast is the children’s author and illustrator, Alycia Pace, to talk about her brand NEW book, How to Potty Train a Dinosaur!

How to Potty Train a DinosaurAlycia’s book is a Cute Children Story on How to Make Potty Training Fun and Easy!

In this hilarious and delightful role reversal, kids will learn how to potty train a dinosaur (and maybe pick up a few pointers themselves!). How to Potty Train a Dinosaur goes through each important step of teaching a dinosaur to go to the bathroom—from teaching them how to know it’s time to go to making sure they flush and wash their claws. Your little dinosaur will be so excited to put it to the test!

Be patient . . .

They’ll get the hang of it!


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Learn more about the Author

Alycia Pace lives in Utah with her husband, David, and her daughter, Colette. She studied Animation at Brigham Young University and is now working as a freelancer. Alycia loves fortune cookies, the smell of bookstores, and watching movies from the 50s.




In This Episode Of The Reading With Your Kids Podcast,

  • You’ll be introduced to Children’s author Alycia PAce, and her wonderful board book, How to Potty Train a Dinosaur
  • What inspired Alycia to write this book?
  • What are some of the key points you hope children, parents, teachers, and anyone else who feels called to read How to Potty Train a Dinosaur to take away from your book?


Tune in now to learn all about this playful book that will make the frustrating toilet training process easy and fun!


A big Thank you to Alycia Pace for doing this interview! We’re so cheerful to pass on her amazing book to our listeners and we hope you’ll check out more of her books in the future!


If you love this episode then please share and please subscribe to us on iTunes. And please spread the word: tell your friends, and leave a rating on iTunes so that others can find it.

We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day

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