Let’s Discuss the RWYK Certified Great Read: “Liah and Otto: My Brother and Me”

Let’s Discuss the RWYK Certified Great Read: “Liah and Otto: My Brother and Me” post thumbnail image



Meet Fina Lowman, author of “Liah and Otto: My Brother and Me”, a RWYK Certified Great Read

Welcome to the Reading with Your Kids podcast!

Today, we’re thrilled to have one of our RWYK certified great read author Fina Lowman to the show to talk about her wonderful children’s book Liah and Otto: My Brother and Me that teaches children the importance of adoption and welcoming new siblings into the home.

“Liah and Otto: My Brother and Me” is guaranteed to help families celebrate their differences while also emphasizing that our hearts are what matter most. Tune in to learn all about Fina and her book!


Learn more about Fina Lowman

Fina LowmanFina Lowman was born in Kansas but grew up in Connecticut with her mother, stepfather, and three siblings. Fina has a passion for writing and drawing. Fina’s mission as a children’s book author is to provide a story that promotes diversity, love, respect, kindness, acceptance, and understanding. Fina wants to continue to teach the youth that we are all different and that’s okay. We may have different backgrounds but one thing is the same in any language, love.
Follow Fina on Instagram @therealfinalowman and Facebook at Finá Lowman

More about “Liah and Otto: My Brother and Me” by Fina Lowman

Liah and Otto: My Brother and MeLiah is excited about becoming a big sister. Her adopted brother Otto will be arriving today and she can’t wait. She spends the day daydreaming about what Otto will look like. Is he a ticklish fire-breathing dragon or a sharp-tooth dinosaur who likes to eat pizza and french fries? To her surprise, Otto is the complete opposite, and she couldn’t love him more.

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In this episode of the Reading with Your Kids Podcast, you’ll hear:

  • Our host Jed Doherty welcomes Fina Lowman on the show
  • Fina talks about her book “Liah and Otto: My Brother and Me” a picture book that Celebrates biracial families
  • What inspired Fina to become a children’s author?
  • Coming from the blended family, what are some of the challenges Fina and her daughter face in present times?
  • What kind of suggestion would Fina like to give to the kids who are being bullied or being hurt by other people?


Thank you, Fina, for joining us and for sharing your wonderful book with us!


To read the complete review of “Leah and Otto: My Brother and Me”

Liah and Otto: My Brother and Me – RWYK Certified Great Read


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Hope you have a wonderful day and we’ll be back with plenty more (useful) in the upcoming episodes!

  stay tuned!


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