RWYK Interview: The Adventures of Joy Sun Bear: The Blue Amber of Sumatra

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In Conversation with Shearin & John Lee: “The Adventures of Joy Sun Bear: The Blue Amber of Sumatra”

In this episode of the Reading with Your Kids podcast, we welcome John Lee & Shearin Lee! John is the bestselling Co-Author & Illustrator of The Adventures of Joy Sun Bear: The Blue Amber of Sumatra and Shearin Lee is a creative director at

The Adventures of Joy Sun Bear: The Blue Amber of Sumatra is an educational and inspirational chapter book that reaches wonderful life lessons about friendship, and protecting the earth.  The book also touches upon global messages about the environmental impact of deforestation as well as the plight of refugees.

Sherine and John join us to talk about their chapter book The Blue Amber of Sumatra, and their mission to empower children through our magical adventure story and help them learn about the world and how they can make a difference, starting in their own community!

We’re so grateful to John and Shearin for digging deep about Joy Sun Bear books, their diverse books for children, and for being so open and honest. There’s a lot of real talks here, along with lots of laughs. Take a listen, and you’ll hear why!


Learn more about Shearin Lee

Shearin Lee, Creative Director at Joy Sun BearShearin was born in the U.S.A and grew up in a multicultural environment with parents of Iranian descent. As a first-generation Iranian-American, Shearin can speak both Farsi and English and loves infusing both heritages into her family’s culture. She values giving back by helping charities raise money and volunteering at her daughter’s elementary school.

Her goal for Joy Sun Bear is to help kids feel comfortable with who they are, explore new friendships with others who are different and help the world connect and create a sense of unity by learning about each other’s cultures.


More about John Lee

John Lee, Bestselling Co-Author & IllustratorJohn Lee has been drawing and creating stories for as long as he can remember. A veteran of the United States Army, loving husband, and father, a student of business and sociology, and marrying someone of Iranian descent, John always had a fascination with different cultures.

When the opportunity to work with Joy Sun Bear came along, John was so excited to be part of a project that could teach children about important values and the various cultures of our world through a fun and adventurous character. He hopes his writing and art will take kids on a magical adventure to discover themselves and the wonders of our world.


Get to know The Adventures of Joy Sun Bear: The Blue Amber of Sumatra

What do you get when you have a curious sun bear, mysterious newcomers, an unexpected curse, and a mystical stone?

A magical adventure like no other!

The Adventures of Joy Sun Bear: The Blue Amber of SumatraJoy has found a new friend in a group of endangered animals who fled the sudden destruction of their forest home. But, the newcomers are being blamed for a curse that made the sacred figs vanish, overnight!In order to save his new friend and the rainforest from chaos and ruin, Joy embarks on a dangerous mission to locate a mystical stone that may be the key to breaking the curse.


With a mysterious magical foe in his way, can Joy save the day before it is too late??


Find out by grabbing your copy of The Blue Amber of Sumatra!


In this episode, you’ll hear 

  • Where did John find his inspiration for The Blue Amber of Sumatra?
  • John & Shearin’s goal for Joy Sun Bear book series for kids
  • What was John’s most favorite and least favorite dish that he learned to prepare while researching for his book?
  • Some of the educational Resources available on that empower kids and to give the reader the opportunity to learn about the world while reading Joy’s magical adventure.
  • What kind of conversation parents and children can have after reading The Blue Amber of Sumatra?
  • Is there one place in a world where Shearin & John are planning to go as a family?
  • Some of the positive messages her books promote, the importance of children’s literature, What’s next for Joy Sun Bear books & much more…Be sure to tune in & you’ll be so glad you did!



So, there you have it. We’re sure you’ve enjoyed learning about The Blue Amber of Sumatra as much as we did! If you’ve enjoyed this episode then please rate and review our show in iTunes and share it by clicking the social media buttons at the bottom of this page!

If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.


Alright, let’s get to it. Here is our chat with the lovely and soulful, John & Shearin.

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!😆




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