The Day Punctuation Came to Town (Language Is Fun! Punctuation)”
Happy Sunday everyone!
After spending most of her childhood running from books due to a learning disorder, Kimberlee Gard started a children’s book series, Language is Fun, to help other struggling readers. We are ELATED to have Kimberlee joining us for an interview to share how her children’s book series came to life.
The Day Punctuation Came to Town is a wonderful introduction to punctuation and the important role it plays in language. The first book in the Language is Fun series, The Little i Who Lost His Dot won the 2019 Colorado Book Award for Children’s Literature and was a nominee for the 2018 Cybils Award.
Come join us for this exciting new episode of the podcast to learn more about Children’s Author Kimberlee and her love for books, children, and sharing!
About the Author
The Day Punctuation Came to Town (Language Is Fun!) (Language Is Fun! Punctuation)
There’s a new family in town: the Punctuations! When Exclamation Point, Question Mark, Period, and Comma join the letters at school, they form words like Wow! and Why? and Yes. But Comma isn’t sure where he belongs. He just seems to get in the way. Is he really important?
Kids, parents, and teachers will enjoy this latest installment in the Language Is Fun series. With colorful illustration and clever wordplay, The Day Punctuation Came to Town is a wonderful introduction to punctuation and the important role it plays in language.
Follow Kimberlee Gard on Amazon to learn all about her books, to get new release updates and improved recommendations!
In This Episode Of TheReading With Your Kids Podcast, You’ll Find Out:
- Everyone is eager to learn about your new book, The Day Punctuation Came to Town. Can you give us a hint as to what it’s about?
- What inspired Kimberlee to write a book about punctuation?
- As someone who had dyslexia growing up, what kind of struggles did Kimberlee have with the Grammer? How did she deal with those challenges?
- What kind of things can parents look for that might be an indication of their child having Dyslexia?
- What does Kimberlee hope that her readers will gain from her books?
- What are Kimberlee’s goals for the future? Does she have another story on the boiling pot?
A big Thank You to Kimberlee Gard for joining us! Glad you all could join us for today’s guest interview! We hope you’ve enjoyed this interview and we look forward to introducing you to some great guests in our next episode.
If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.
Thanks for tuning in and have a great day!