A Boy Named Jack- A Storybook Series by Quay Roads

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Quay Roads Discusses “A Boy Named Jack – A Storybook Series”

Not everyone gets the chance to grow up on a Ranch and take on the adventure and thrills that life brings each day in those places. Our guest today is one of the lucky people who grew up on a working cattle ranch in New Mexico with her older brother and parents.

In this episode of Reading with your kids Podcast, We’d like to welcome Quay Roads, the author of A Boy Named Jack – A Storybook Series for children aged 4 to 10. This wonderful series com[rises of six books which follows an adventurous little boy named Jack and his life growing up on a cattle ranch in New Mexico and introduces kids to Jack’s family and shares some of their fun, rural landscape of New Mexico, provides the reader with information about plants and animals in New Mexico.

There is a coloring book as well  that contains most of the original illustrations from Books 1 through 4 for your young artist to color. Book seven will be another book of stories from Alice’s perspective.

This episode is full of important information and essential advise for all the parents out there. Be sure to tune in!


Here’s more information about Quay Roads

Quay RoadsQuay Roads grew up on a working cattle ranch in New Mexico with her older brother and parents. Her father has ridden a horse every day since he was a young child and her mother is an amazing woman who kept, and still keeps, the family and ranch running. There are so many experiences unique to growing up on the ranch, Quay just had to write them down and share. In her other life, Quay Roads lives and works in Florida with her husband, 3 adult children and grandson, and tries to experience each day as the gift God made it to be.


More about A Boy Named Jack – A Storybook Series 

A Boy Named Jack - a storybook series

A Boy Named Jack is a series of children’s primer books based on a boy and a girl growing up on a working cattle ranch in New Mexico. With the feel of the beloved “Dick and Jane” books, A Boy Named Jack brings fun and sweetness to the reader.

Click the Amazon link below to  buy your copy of A Boy Named Jack and join Jack on his journey and share all the fun moments on the ranch as he grows!



In this episode, Jed asks Quay

  • Tells us something about A Boy Named Jack series and how many books are released so far?
  • How did you get the idea to write these books and the inspiration behind the stories
  • How important it is to teach kids about life in ranch & farms?
  • What kind of discussion parents & children can have after reading your books?
  • What exciting things have you planned for this series and much more. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit back, and enjoy the interview!


A big thank you to Quay Roads for joining us and for sharing her books & her passion with us!


Finally, where can you find Quay Roads on the internet?

Her website: www.aboynamedjack.us


If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

We’d also love to hear what you think about the podcast, and any suggestions on what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to connect with us on our social media, or email us anytime by contacting us.

Join us on Thursday for another episode of the Reading with Your Kids podcast!

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