The Love of the Irish: Why We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

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In Conversation with Jaimie Hope, Author of a RWYK Certified Great Read “The Love of the Irish: Why We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in America”

Woohoo! we’re excited about our guest today, Jaimie Hope, author of  books written in multiple genres including Children’s picture books, Young Adult Romance, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, and Non-fiction. She is also the author of The Love of the Irish: Why We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in America which has been named a ReadingWithYourKids Certified Great Read!

Jaimie’s book is a beautifully illustrated look at the life of St. Patrick, and the history, legends, and traditions associated with March 17th. It is a factual book presented in an entertaining way. What an incredible way to teach history to children!

In this episode, Jed sits down with Jaimie to talk about her latest book, writing inspirations, and the world of children’s literature.  Jaimie has kindly answered our questions and shared her writing story with us. Be sure to tune in to catch all the fun. And you really must check out the book itself. It’s lovely and charming.

We hope you all enjoy our interview of Jaimie!


About author Jaimie Hope

Jaimie HopeJaimie Hope was born November 3, 1976, in New York. It wasn’t until high school, where she joined the newspaper staff that
she decided she wanted to be a writer. After graduation, the author went to college and received an Associate’s degree in 1999. In 2002, she moved to Florida where she was an active volunteer in the local historical society and the Deltona Regional Library, this was the turning point for the author. In 2005, she
started writing and hasn’t stopped yet.

In 2006, she moved back to New York where she released her
first Children’s book, The Adventures of Baby Jaimie. As they say,
the rest is history. Jaimie Hope now has books in multiple genres.
They include Children’s picture books, Young Adult Romance,
New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, and Non-fiction.


More about The Love of the Irish: Why We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in America

The Love of the IrishEver wonder why we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in America? Well, Ashlyn and Brendan are about to find out; however, they aren’t thrilled about it. Still, that doesn’t stop their grandfather from teaching them the meaning behind the traditions at each stop they make throughout the day. Will the kids discover pride for their heritage before the end of the day? Only time will tell.


Click on the Amazon link below to grab your copy of The Love of the Irish: Why We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in America  to introduce your kids about how the Irish actually celebrate St Patrick’s Day!


In this episode, Jed asks Jaimie the following questions

  • Tell us about The Love of the Irish: Why We Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in America
  • What inspired Jaimie to start writing and how did you get into writing children’s books?
  • Have you always wanted to be a writer?
  • Tell us about your experience of running a publishing company and working closely with many other authors on your side
  • What kind of struggles you had to face during your school years and what kept you going
  • Tell us about your latest released books and upcoming projects.


A big thank you to Jaimie Hope for joining us and for sharing her wonderful story with us!


Find out more about Jaimie Hope and her books by visiting


Connect with her on Amazon   Goodreads

Social Media Link



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Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!😆

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