The Second Sign Series by Elizabeth Arroyo

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Meet the author of The Second Sign: Elizabeth Arroyo

Hello, and welcome to Reading with your kids podcast! We’re thrilled today to introduce you to Elizabeth Arroyo, author of YA paranormal romance novel The Second Sign. Elizabeth is joining us to talk about her book, her journey of becoming a young adult author & importance of Young adult literature in teen lives. You are guaranteed to love her discussion with Jed on how young adult readers can identify similarities between themselves and characters which gives the reader comfort to know that they are not alone in their situation. Listen to this episode to find out more about Elizabeth & The Second Sign!

Here’s more information about Elizabeth

Image result for elizabeth arroyo the second signElizabeth is the author of the Second Sign and the Second Shadow, a dark YA paranormal romance series, (Sapphire Star Publishing, 2013; Indie Published, 2017), and Darkness, a YA paranormal thriller, (Indie-Published, 2014). She has a short story published with SQ Magazine, and advice on her writing journey can be found in The Write Path: A Compilation of Letters, (Amazon Digital Services, Inc.).

Influenced by the gamers in her household and her love of action adventure, Elizabeth delved into the realm of science fiction and wrote her first full-length science fiction/dystopian YA novel—Before Dawn—acquired by Ellysian Press in 2016. Elizabeth enjoys spending time with her family, listening to music, and binge watching her favorite shows.

The Second Sign

Bred to believe in the war between angels and demons, Gabby has come to the conclusion that love is responsible for war, jealousy, and all the other deadly sins she can think of. So when she’s exiled to the middle of nowhere for getting kicked out of her fifth school for fighting, she doesn’t expect to meet Jake. Much less fall in love. But Jake is quickly drawn to the eerie beauty of her violet eyes while Gabby is unsettled by their undeniable connection. When a demon guardian comes to collect her soul, she refuses to give it up. She’s not a demon. She can’t be. Her father and twin brother are angels. The demon gives Gabby twenty-four hours to decide her allegiance and then starts killing her short list of friends, leaving a message behind: She is the Second Sign. As Gabby and Jake begin to unravel the mystery behind the Second Sign, she learns Jake may be the key to saving her soul. But it means a sacrifice has to be made that will change their lives forever.

In this episode, Elizabeth Arroyo discusses The Second Sign, describes the main character Gabby & Jake, tells us how did she come up with the idea to write this novel & gives us an exclusive sneak peek inside the sequel of The Second Sign. Be sure to Listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page!

To learn more about Elizabeth Arroyo

Visit her Website:



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Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive amazon e book. Please click here to get your copy today.

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