Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie’s House by Pamela C. Rice!

Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie’s House by Pamela C. Rice! post thumbnail image

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The Return of Pamela C Rice, author of “Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie’s House”

Welcome to iTunes #1 Kids & Family Podcast, The Reading With Your Kids Podcast!

Today we’re talking with PAMELA C. RICE, writer/Illustrator of at least 16 different books. Pamela is joining us today to talk about one of her latest released children’s picture book Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie’s House.

Tune in as we get to know all about Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie’s House, a beautifully-illustrated book for ages 4-8. If you and your children like family stories, simple characters, and amazing adventures in nature, then you’ll love Pam C Rice’s gorgeous children’s book story. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit back, and tune in for all the great insights!



Here’s more information about Pamela C Rice

Creating children’s books is what Pamela C. Rice enjoys and since August 2015 she has released 12 books including “When the Brown Bird Flies”“The Painting Speaks”,“Aaron’s Dreams”, and “Rufus Finds A Prize”. Each book is warmly illustrated by Rice and offers written artistic expression of her childhood experiences and inspirations that children will find fun, imaginative and educational.

Pamela C RiceRice grew up surrounded by creative art and design and believes that she is a person born to write and illustrate for children. Both Pam’s father and brother were in the field of design. Her father was a commercial artist, and her brother was in textile and artesian design. With over 30 years of independent and corporate experience in advertising, graphic design, and visual communications, Rice has earned high recognition and top accolades with over 30 design awards. She has made guest appearances as a lecturer at the Illinois Academy of Design and Merchandising and at Northeastern Illinois University. She has also taught at the University of Illinois-Chicago, in the Principal Scholar’s Program.

Pam has illustrated for various authors such as Anna K. Morris, Emma Young, and Kay McCrimon, to name a few. For many years Pam has developed her unique illustrative style and is excited to create content that both parents and children can enjoy. She is currently working with a Peruvian friend and translator to bring more diversity and inclusion to her
library of books.


More about Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie’s House

Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie's House

Sara’s Uncle Willie comes to visit every summer when Sara is out of school.
He teaches her to whistle and it proves to be a worth-while and everlasting gift.



Watch the book trailer herehttp://www.pamricedesign.com/KidsShelf/whistlewatchatun.html


In this episode, you’ll find out

  • Introduction to Pamela C Rice and her latest children’s book Whistle Watch At Uncle Willie’s House
  • What was the inspiration for his book and the characters?
  • What kind of conversation families can have after reading Pam’s book?
  • How can parents help their kids visualize the life in the south after reading the book several times?
  • What is Pamela currently working on, a message she would like to share with their readers?

For more information on Pamela and her books

Visit her website: http://www.pamricedesign.com



A big thank you to Pamela for joining us and for sharing her books & her passion with us!


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we’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day😆

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