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Legends of Erin Series
100th Episode Starring Author Meadow Griffin
Welcome to the 100th episode of Reading with your kids podcast!
Yes, you read that correctly – 100 episodes.
A big Thank You to all our wonderful listeners out there. If you follow the blog and podcast, you’ll know that we’ve interviewed bestselling children’s authors all around the world with an aim to to inspire families to spend more time reading together, and cooking together, and doing activities together. We’ve so enjoyed each and every conversation we’ve had on the podcast so far and we’re looking forward to many more.
On our 100th episode, we are very glad to have a chance to interview the author of Legends of Erin. Meadow Griffin is an artist, speaker and author and illustrator of the popular Legend of Erin novel series following the miraculous adventures of Fadin and Tase, two ordinary Irish boys catapulted into a perilous world of magic. She is passionate about inspiring young people to fall in love with reading, dive into a passion of their own, and to achieve their dreams!
Legends of Erin: Beyond the Castle Door
Having spent an ordinary life with their parents in a small house, twins, Fadin and Tase, together with their elder brother Clearie, suddenly find themselves catapulted into quite a different life when their father is killed in a car accident and they are forced to move with their mother into their Aunt’s mysterious Irish castle surrounded by dangerous woods. They find themselves involved in baffling situations which only goblins and magic can explain and only their inquisitiveness and daring finally uncovers answers to some of the many questions they puzzle over. But the reader is left fully immersed in the strange world around the castle and longing to know about the many things that still have to be explained – in the next book?
In this interview, Meadow discusses all the books in the Legends of Erin series, What inspired her to become a writer & write this wonderful series, Introducing young children to the love of God and sneak peek into upcoming books in her series. Be Sure To Tune In!
If you enjoyed today’s show, please share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page.
For more information on Meadow and her books, please visit
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