Cecilia’s Tale by Debbie Manber Kupfer!

Cecilia’s Tale by Debbie Manber Kupfer! post thumbnail image

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RWYK Author Interview with Debbie Manber Kupfer

Happy Thursday everyone! Today we’re ELATED to feature P.A.W.S. saga author Debbie Manber Kupfer on the Reading with Your Kids Podcast.  Debbie is joining us for this interview to talk about her brand new picture book Cecilia’s Tale. This is a story for all cat lovers and children will definitely love to read about Cecilia and her amazing adventures.

Listen in to learn more about Cecilia’s Tale, Debbie’s YA book series P.A.W.S, What inspires Debbie to write, importance of reading aloud to children, her future projects and other fun facts about her book. Get your cup of coffee ready, and let’s get started!


Here’s more information about Debbie Manber Kupfer

Debbie Manber KupferDebbie grew up in the UK in the East London suburb of Barking. She has lived in Israel, New York and North Carolina and somehow ended up in St. Louis. Debbie is a writer and puzzle maker from London who somehow ended up in St. Louis, MO where she lives with her husband, two kids, and a very opinionated feline. She’s the author of the P.A.W.S. Saga and the puzzle book, Paws 4 Logic. She believes that with enough tea and dark chocolate you can do anything.


More about Cecilia’s Tale

Cecilia’s on a mission to find a new human, but will she find the right one? She’s heard they’re very difficult to train.

From the author of P.A.W.S. and Esmeralda Grunch and the Red Tulip.


In this interview, we talk

  • Debbie reads out a page from her book Cecilia’s Tale
  • More about Cecilia’s Tale and how did Debbie get the idea for her book
  • Why you MUST read aloud to your kids at all ages
  • Listen in as Debbie discusses her YA series P.A.W.S,  a fast-paced paranormal adventure which is a story of a sensitive, misunderstood girl who finds her place in the world.
  •  Debbie gives us a peek inside her upcoming books & some interesting facts about her story
  • Jed shares some important information from The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease. 


A big thank you to Debbie Manber Kupfer for joining us and for sharing her story with us!

If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!


For more information on Debbie and all her books, please visit

Her website: https://debbiemanberkupfer.wordpress.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DebbieManberKupferAuthor

Twitter: @CiciCat42

Amazon page: www.amazon.in/Debbie-Manber-Kupfer




Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive amazon e bookPlease click here to get your copy today.

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