I Can Handle It!: Mindful Mantras, Book 1 by Laurie Wright

I Can Handle It!: Mindful Mantras, Book 1 by Laurie Wright post thumbnail image


With the Courage of a Mouse (The Superhero School Book 1)This episode of the Reading with Your Kids Podcast is sponsored by With the Courage of a Mouse by Donna sager Cowan, the first book in the Superhero School series follows Catt, the cat as she literally stumbles into the world of Sweet Meadows.  Be sure to check out DonnaSagerCowan.com to know more about Catt and Simon as they learn how to be friends and Superheroes!


Reading with Your Kids Podcast Ft. Laurie Wright –I Can Handle It!: Mindful Mantras

Hey ReadingWithYourKids Family!!

We’re jubilant to introduce you to Laurie Wright, writing coach, Instagram expert and the author of the Mindful Mantras series.

I Can Handle It! by Laurie Wright, the first book in the Mindful Mantras series is designed to help boost a child’s mental health, which is a subject Laurie is super passionate about. She also helps others publish their books and teaches people to actually Market their books!

Tune in and boost positive self-talk today!


About the Author

Children's author, Laurie WrightChildren’s author and publishing strategist, Laurie Wright is a silly but smart, busy mom of three who laughs at her own jokes too much. The minivan is her sanctuary, and the only place she can sing out loud without being shushed. She’s known for her horrible short term memory and extreme love of chips and dip. Usually on her best behaviour, watch out when her filter wears off.  Never without her laptop and a notebook. Trust her with your kids and your books, but not your chips and dip!

Learn more about Laurie Wright online

Find her on Facebook     Instagram


Let’s have a look at the Book Blurb

I Can Handle It!: Mindful Mantras, Book 1

I Can Handle It by Ms. Laurie Wright Kids learn well through repetition and simple, easy-to-understand language. Your children will incorporate the mindful mantra “I can handle it” almost immediately after listening to this audiobook.

In tough situations, they will think “I can handle it,” and when they are dealing with tough emotions, they will think “I can handle it!” Even if they aren’t saying the words out loud, if they learn and practice this mantra, it will become a part of their self-talk.

Positive self-talk is incredibly important for improving and maintaining mental health, and the Mindful Mantra books are a way to plant that positivity right into a child’s head. Help your child learn to handle difficult emotions, along with Sebastien, and provide a tool for lifelong confidence.

Depression and anxiety don’t discriminate, and our kids need help. I Can Handle It! equips children with the necessary skills to alleviate everyday anxieties in their lives. Because teachers and parents have such a difficult and important job, this audiobook includes resources for both.

Simply go to bit.ly/LaurieWright to get the free resources.

Make sure to check out audiobooks two, three, and four in the series!

I Can Handle It! is now available on Amazon!




In this episode of the Reading with Your Kids Podcast, you’ll hear:

  • What’s “I Can Handle It!” is all about?
  • What was Laurie’s inspiration for writing this book?
  • What kind of discussion families can have after reading I Can Handle It!?
  • The most important thing she wants readers to gain from her books?
  • What can Laurie’ fans look forward to next, other projects and much more…


We would like to say a huge thank you to Laurie Wright for doing this interview! We’re very excited to see what she does next!  We hope you have enjoyed listening to this episode and be sure to keep your eye out for her future books.


We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a beautiful day😆

*post contains an affiliate link.



Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from a perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive Amazon e-book. Please click here to get your copy today.

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