IvyLocs, Episode 1: Tee-Tee’s Wedding

IvyLocs, Episode 1: Tee-Tee’s Wedding post thumbnail image

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Reading with Your Kids Podcast ft. Danielle Carin Dunn – Author of Ivylocs: Tee-Tee’s Wedding Episode 1

Today, we’re thrilled to be joined by author Danielle Carin Dunn who tells us about Ivylocs: Tee-Tee’s Wedding Episode 1,  a wonderful novel for young people, that follows a 3rd-grade Professional Problem Solver named Ivylocs. Her hobbies include: saving the day, helping others and making things happen. 

In this story, Ivylocs is on a mission to help her Auntie Tee-Tee restore her special broom which is used in the wedding. Through Ivylocs, Danielle promotes a positive depiction of African American culture by highlighting loving and strong family values.

In our exclusive interview with Danielle, we discuss what inspired her to write Ivylocs, Why did Danielle choose a girl character to play a powerful protagonist of her book, Her expectations from the readers, upcoming projects and much more. Stay Tuned for our exciting conversation!


Here’s some  more information about Danielle Carin Dunn

RWYK Interview with Danielle Carin DunnDanielle Carin Dunn is the author of the IvyLocs book series. The first installment, IvyLocs, Episode 1: Tee-Tee’s Wedding was published in April 2016.

Dunn is a proud Detroit Public School graduate and alumnus of Eastern Michigan University, where she majored in African-American Studies and English, Language and Literature.

Her writings and opinions have been featured in the Detroit News and the National Black Women’s Round table on the State of Black Women in Michigan report. A dedicated community servant, Dunn is the recipient of a Spirit of Detroit Award for “Dedicated Community Service” and a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for “Outstanding Community Service.” She writes to marry her love of language and storytelling with activism.


More about IvyLocs, Episode 1: Tee-Tee’s Wedding

IvyLocs, Episode 1: Tee-Tee's WeddingWhen IvyLocs uses her magnifying glass, her super power- problem solving is activated. Instead of using the magnifying glass to make the problem bigger, she uses it to magnify herself. She then becomes bigger than the problem she faces. The work she does in her community make her a practical and tangible superhero that gives authentic representation to black youth.


“When challenges come as they may, I tell myself: “I WILL find a way!”

IvyLocsHi, my name is Ivy, but everyone calls me Ivylocs. I’m a professional problem solver. I solve problems that any kid could face.In this story my aunt is getting married. We are really close and I spend a lot of time with her. Will her getting married ruin our relationship?

Also, something happens that could turn the wedding ceremony into a disaster. Will I be able to fix the problem in time and make the wedding better than ever? Or will it be ruined and go down in history as the worst wedding ever? Find out when you read Episode 1!


In this episode, we discuss

  • More about Ivylocs: Tee-Tee’s Wedding Episode 1, main characters and storyline
  • Where did Danielle get the idea to write this story
  • What inspired her to choose a powerful girl character and the use of Magnifying glass to show that Ivylocs is bigger than the problem
  • Some of the positive messages her books promotes, importance of children’s literature, What’s next for Danielle & much more…Be sure to tune in & you’ll be so glad you did!


A huge thank you for taking the time to chat with us here at RWYK podcast, Danielle!


For more information about author Danielle Carin Dunn and to purchase her book Ivylocs, visit her official website 




If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!


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