Join us for the Adventures of Jorie and the Magic Stones!

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Jedlie Levitating a Girl

Meet A.H. Richardson – Author of the Middle Grade Jorie Series

Hello RWYK family! In our exciting interview today, we’re delighted to feature author A.H.Richardson to talk about her wonderful chapter book series for middle graders titled The Jorie Series. Richardson’s series is all about adventure and childhood friendship that captures the attention and imagination of children and adults alike.

So Here’s an effervescently deep conversation between our beloved children’s book author and our host Jed Doherty and a very talented author A.H.Richardson . Listen in as they discuss all the three books released in the Jorie series so far Jorie and the Magic Stones, Jorie and the Gold Key and Jorie and the River of Fire. Be sure to tune in & you’ll be so glad you did!


Here’s some information about A.H. Richardson

ANGELA RICHARDSONANGELA RICHARDSON was born in England and is the only daughter of Clive Richardson, one of Britain’s foremost composers and concert pianists (two command performances at the Royal Albert Hall many years ago). She studied drama at LAMDA (London Academy Music and Dramatic Art) which involved all sort of Shakespearian roles and lots of Oscar Wilde! She now lives in and loves life in the U.S.A., Tennessee being her adopted state.

Angela paints and sculpts, plays guitar, is a linguist, acted in films and on stage, and has trained dressage competitors. She is the proud mother of three grown sons and grandmother to three active, loving grandchildren. At present, she keeps a horse named Amaretto and writes her fabulous fantasies from her adopted home in Tennessee near the picturesque Smoky Mountains. It is there that she writes happily about the indomitable Jorie and her adventures.


More about Jorie and the Magic Stones

Jorie and the Magic StonesWhen Marjorie went to live with her frosty maiden aunt, she couldn’t imagine the adventures she would have with dragons — good and bad — and all the strange creatures that live in a mysterious land beneath the Tarn. The spunky 9-year-old redhead forges an unlikely friendship with an insecure young boy named Rufus who lives with his crusty grandfather next door. When Jorie — for that is what she prefers to be called — finds a dusty ancient book about dragons, she learns four strange words that will send the two of them into a mysterious land beneath the Tarn, riddled with enchantment and danger.

Hungry for adventure, the children take the plunge, quite literally, and find themselves in the magic land of Cabrynthius. Upon meeting the good dragon, the Great Grootmonya, Jorie and Rufus are given a quest to find the three Stones of Maalog — stones of enormous power — and return them to their rightful place in Cabrynthius. Their mission is neither easy nor safe, and is peppered with perils in the form of the evil black half-dragon who rules the shadowy side of the land. They have to deal with a wicked and greedy professor, the tragic daughter of the bad dragon, caves of fire, rocky mountainous climbs, and a deadly poisonous butterfly.

Jorie must rely on her wits and courage to win the day? Can she do this? Can she find all three Stones? Can she save Rufus when disaster befalls him? Can she emerge victorious? She and Rufus have some hair-raising challenges, in which they learn valuable lessons about loyalty, bravery, and friendship.

Follow Jorie on her adventurous journey by getting your copy of Jorie and the Magic Stones today!



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In this episode, you’ll learn

  • More about A.H. Richardson and her chapter book series comprising of three books titled Jorie and the Magic Stones, Jorie and the Gold Key and Jorie and the River of Fire.
  • Main characters and story line of all the books in her series, a brief synopsis of the other books she has written for adults
  • Motivation behind writing  fantasy middle grade series, upcoming projects and some interesting facts about her books. Be sure to tune in for all the great insights!


You can discover more about Angela Richardson and her books by visiting


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Connect with her on Facebook


A big Thank You to A.H.Richardson for talking to us and sharing her passion of writing with our listeners!


If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

We’d also love to hear what you think about the podcast, and any suggestions on what you’d like to hear in future episodes. Feel free to connect with us on our social media, or email us anytime by contacting us.

Have a stellar day!


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