Let’s Talk “From Me to You” by Norman Aladjem!!

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In Conversation with Norman Aladjem, author of ‘From Me To You: Stories about Life, Love, Family, Faith, and How to Negotiate a Bigger Allowance

Norm Aladjem

How does a father tell his child how to live a meaningful life?
How does a father tell his child how to avoid the mistakes he made?
How does a father tell his child how much he loves her?

In “From Me to You: Stories about Life, Love, Family, Faith, and How to Negotiate a Bigger Allowance” writer Norman Aladjem has given his daughter Mackenzie a fatherly instruction manual that is page after page of life lessons, history, learned advice and brimming with love.

Norman Aladjem is a successful Hollywood talent manager, producer and most lately — author. He is joining us on the Reading With Your Kids podcast to share with us how letters to his daughter turned into a book, The purpose of creating this book, His journey to become a writer, Upcoming projects & more.  It’s a fun interview. Come along!

Learn more about Norman Aladjem 


Norm Aladjem is a successful Hollywood talent manager and producer. As an immigrant child from Uruguay, he started with nothing but the support of his principled and hard-working family, and a strong desire to make something of himself.

When his youngest daughter, Mackenzie, turned eleven, Norm wanted to share some of his well-earned life lessons with her and to share some of their family histories. But eleven-year-old little girls aren’t always ready to hear what their fathers have to say. Instead, he wrote her letters, one each week for a year, as a memoir that they could one day savor together when she was ready.

He shares powerful stories from his life and hers, lessons he learned, mistakes he made. He warns her of pitfalls and of people to avoid. He tells her how to ask for help when she needs it, and how to help when she recognizes that need in others. He tells her how to spot a business scam, how to negotiate for herself and others, how to navigate difficult times, and how to find both faith and purpose in life. He passes down some family lore about how he met her mother, about the day she was born, about her grandparents, about her great-grandparents, and more.

And in every letter, he tells her how much he loves her.

Norm is now ready to share this book with Mackenzie—and with the world.

Visit Norm Aladjem’s website to read about his book, his blog, and events:



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From Me to You: Stories about Life, Love, Family, Faith, and How to Negotiate a Bigger Allowance

From Me to YouA father creates a remarkable coming-of-age gift for his daughter: stories of love, wisdom, and family that have guided his path through life as she prepares to embark on her own.

How does a father tell his child how to live a meaningful life?
How does father tell his child how to avoid the mistakes he made?
How does a father tell his child how much he loves her?

The answers are here, in From Me to You, for the author’s daughter, Mackenzie, to discover when she turns 18. From generation to generation—and full of humor and heart—Norm Aladjem’s gift to Mackenzie is the wisdom of his years.

 From Me to You is Available now online at


Barnes & Noble



In this episode, you’ll hear

  • Introduction to a longtime manager, producer, and author Norm Aladjem 
  • More about  “From Me to You: Stories about Life, Love, Family, Faith, and How to Negotiate a Bigger Allowance
  •  Norman tells us how he wanted to share his life story with his younger daughter, Mackenzie.
  • Norman tells us he wrote those letters because he wanted to make sure his daughter knew how he felt about various topics in life as they grow older and embark on their own paths in life.
  • What is Norm currently working on, resources available on his AMAZING website and much more…Be sure to tune in to this insightful episode!


A big thank you to Norm Aladjem for joining us and for sharing his book with us!

If you love this episode then please share and please subscribe to us on iTunes. And please spread the word: tell your friends, and leave a rating on iTunes so that others can find it.

We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day😆

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