#RWYK Great Read #Review – “The Circus Fish” written by Marla Huehmer and illustrated by Natasha and London Huehmer
It’s official! The Circus Fish by Marla Huehmer has been named a Reading with Your Kids Certified Great Read!
At Reading with Your Kids, we only recommend the best books to read with your kids based on many hours of reading and research so that you can be sure that each one in our list of RWYK Certified Great Read is fantastic and will be worth your time.
The Circus Fish is a sweet children’s book that introduces kids about believing in themselves and following their dreams. Read on to get inspired by this heartfelt story as this wonderful little book will encourage your kids to shoot for the stars — and beyond!
More about Marla Huehmer
Marla Huehmer is the Author of Andrew The Blue-eared Puppy and The Circus Fish. She and her daughters hand-illustrated their books, which make them unique and therefore a must-have. Her stories are based on the personal experiences of watching her two little girls interact with one another. Prior to writing children’s books, she worked as a School Psychologist in the Northern California area and has over 15 years of experience working with children. Her writings are specialized in capturing the attention of young readers while providing them support through significant or difficult times.
Marla has held special guest author events for the past two and a half years at local libraries and bookstores. Her events provided special story and arts and crafts time to teaching children and parents/guardians how to write and illustrate their own books. In 2018, her book, Andrew The Blue-eared Puppy was featured on Green Piñatas (Winners on the popular t.v show, Shark Tank) online monthly newsletter and was made available for purchasing. Marla was featured as Author of the week on Red Clover Reader and was a previous guest on Jedlie’s Reading With Your Kids Podcast.
She and her daughters are currently working on a new book called The Big Move and it will be made available by next Spring/Summer.
Finally, Where Can We Find Marla Huehmer Online?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThinkAheadKids/
Let’s have a look at the Book Blurb
“The Circus Fish” by Marla Huehmer
Fun activity included in the book! Have you ever had a dream? This little fish did. Join her on a sea adventure and find out how she made her dreams come true. This book was written to inspire children to dream. Never doubt yourself, visualize your goal, and you will succeed. Best wishes from the author and illustrators of The Circus Fish.
Click the Amazon link below to grab your copy of The Circus Fish today!
Our Review
“The Circus Fish” written by Marla Huehmer and illustrated by Natasha and London Huehmer is a beautiful picture book that will inspire your child to dream and envision themselves making their dreams come true.
Numerous studies have shown that kids who dream have a better sense of purpose, make better decisions, have more confidence and are happier.
In this bright and colorful picture book, we meet a little fish with a big dream. She wants to be the biggest and best Circus Fish the Ocean has ever seen.
This seems like an absurd idea to a lot of the other fish, and they let the Little Fish know. But this little fish is determined. She knows what she can do and she will not let anyone shake her confidence. She sets off on a journey to connect with friends who can help her make her dream come true.
There is so much to love about “The Circus Fish”. This is a book you and your kids will want to read again and again. The illustrations are fun, vibrant and positively captivating. The story is told in rhyme, so kids can easily follow along and join in.
Most of all we love the lessons that “The Circus Fish” teaches. It is important for our kids to dream. It is also important for them to know that there are going to be people and circumstances that may discourage them from chasing their dreams. Kids can learn from The Circus Fish to have confidence and to seek out the people in life that will be supportive and help them to be successful.
Just imagine the conversations you can have with your kids after reading “The Circus Fish”. Asking your kids what their dreams are and how you can help them make those dreams come can be the beginning of a life long conversation.
***Disclaimer: Many thanks to Marla Huehmer for the opportunity to read and review her wonderful book. Please be assured that our opinions are honest.
Congratulations to Marla Huehmer for winning the RWYK Certified Great Read Status

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If you haven’t already done so, Check out Marla Huehmer’s appearance on the Reading with Your Kids Podcast & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.
Happy Reading! Hope You Have An Amazing Day 😆