Come, join the Rat’s Musical Band!!!

Come, join the Rat’s Musical Band!!! post thumbnail image

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Meet the Author: Rat’s Musical Band by Wendy Elizabeth White

A must Read picture book…Funny, delightful and educational!

Hey RWYK family! We’re super happy to introduce you to our guest Wendy Elizabeth White whose book Rat’s Musical Band has been named an RWYK Certified Great Read! We are really excited about this interview, we have been a fan of Wendy’s book for a long time. You may recall we announced Wendy’s book’s achievement on the show on June  10 this year. We also gave Rat’s Musical Band a very positive review and we would like to republish that review here in celebration of Rat’s Musical Band joining our list of Certified great Reads.

Rat’s Musical Band is an exciting and gorgeously-illustrated story that shows how being different is no bad thing, and can lead to lots of fun and friendship.

Listen in to learn more about Rat’s Musical Band and help your kids learn to celebrate being themselves! We hope you and your family enjoy reading this book as much as we did!

Check out our review of Rat’s Musical Band


Let’s have a look at the Book Blurb

Rat’s Musical Band by Wendy Elizabeth White

Rat's Musical Band

A Blue rat? Yes! That’s right! And today Rat has a tune on his mind. Some musicians would make the tune sound just grand… how he finds his musical band!



Purchase Link: Amazon   Website


Meet the Author: Wendy Woo

Wendy Woo is a published author and an experienced childminder of more than 20 years.

Wendy Elizabeth White - author of Rat's Musical Band

She was never going to be a famous ballerina, singer, or actress, not only because she can’t dance, sing or act, but it didn’t really appeal to her. She wanted to be Mary Poppins… A “practically perfect” kind and magical nanny that all children loved and obeyed!

For more information on Wendy and her book, please visit

Her website:

Social Media Links

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In this episode of the Reading with Your Kids Podcast, you’ll hear:

  • More about Rat’s Musical band
  • What kind of benefits does Wendy think that reading with kids has?
  • What has been her readers’ reaction to her book?
  • What kind of discussion families can have after reading Rat’s Musical Band
  • The Idea Behind My Mood Stars board and how it enables children to immerse themselves in imaginative play, either by themselves or with others.
  • What is Wendy currently working on, her future projects and much more…Be sure to tune in for all the great insights!


A big Thank You to Wendy Elizabeth White for talking to us and sharing her story with our listeners!


We are very excited to see what she does next!  We hope you have enjoyed listening to this episode and be sure to keep your eye out for her future books.

If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!😆


Jedlie’s Magic Circus is fun for the whole family. Please visit to find out how to bring this inspiring show to your community.


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