Oh What Fun It Is To Share!

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Reading with Your Kids Podcast Starring Flora Agbaje

Hey everyone! Today, we’re super excited to welcome Flora Agbaje. Flora is the author of a newly released children’s book “Oh What Fun It Is To Share” that teaches children the values of sharing and friendliness.

In this episode, Jed chatted with Flora to talk more about her book, inspiration behind her story, importance of sharing and the joy that comes with it, her next project & more.  Tune in as Flora talks about her positive, warm, child-centered & fun book!

Here’s more information about Flora Agbaje

Flora AgbajeFlora Agbaje is a children’s Sunday school teacher, and the proprietor of Christ Our Foundation Learning Center in Queens, New York. She holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations, a master’s degree in international law and diplomacy, and a master’s degree in early childhood and special education from Touro College, New York. At various times in her life, she has been a case worker with the City of New York, a New York City public schools substitute teacher, and a tutor of children in foster care with tremendous deficits and gaps in their reading, writing, and math. Flora is currently an early intervention clinician, also known as a special instructor, for children with speech and other developmental delays or disabilities ranging in age from infancy to three. She is happily married to her friend and partner of over twenty years. The couple is blessed with three wonderful children.

More about Oh What Fun It Is To Share

Oh What Fun It Is To Share”: a children’s book that teaches the value of sharing. There is a little boy who once refused to share. He hugged everything he could to himself and refused to make friends with kids in his class, so he wouldn’t have to share.
“Hugger boy,” as he was called, later felt lonely and wanted so much to have fun with the other kids. But first, he had to do something. He had to learn how to share!


In this episode, we discussed

  • More about “Oh What Fun It Is To Share” & the inspiration for the title and story of this book
  • Flora explains that she got the idea for the story while teaching a class of preschool children.
  • Flora explains how her book teaches children valuable lessons to help them change their perception of sharing as giving away something, to actually, gaining more things that count the most – friendship and the joy it brings.
  • Listen as Flora talks about her upcoming projects & shares some interesting facts about her book. Happy Listening!

If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Finally, where can we find Flora?

Her Amazon page: www.amazon.in/Flora-Agbaje

Facebook: www.facebook.com/pg/Oh-What-Fun-It-Is-To-Share

YouTube: https://youtu.be/qlhbA9E85vg



Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive amazon e bookPlease click here to get your copy today.

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