REAL MAGIC explained by Jed Doherty!

REAL MAGIC explained by Jed Doherty! post thumbnail image

Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive amazon e bookPlease click here to get your copy today.


RWYK Author Interview – Jen Milius Interviews our Host Jed Doherty

Hey RWYK family! After a lot of work we’re excited to bring you a special new episode of the Reading with your kids podcast. Today, we’re celebrating the launch of REAL MAGIC, a children’s picture book written by our beloved host Jedlie has also been named a Reading with Your Kids Certified Great Read!

In today’s episode, author Jen Milius turns the host for a day to interview our beloved host Jedlie about his journey and his passion for spreading the positive messages through his performances and through his children’s books The Great Maritini and the Real Magic.

Real Magic is scheduled to be released on today!  Be sure to join Jedlie for the book release party as we have planned some exciting things including a special magic show and celebration at the east Boston branch of the Boston Public Library at 2:00 PM.

We are pumped! Thanks for tuning in and letting us share the REAL MAGIC with you. We truly appreciate you. Here we goooooooo!


Let’s have a look at the Book Blurb

Real Magic by Jedlie

REAL Magic! answers the question “Is Magic Real?”
This is a the true story of a day when educational magician Jedlie invited a quiet girl on stage to help him perform a magic trick. When Jedlie asks the audience to welcome his shy volunteer with a round of applause they experience something quite wonderful, a greater kind of magic. This touching and beautiful tale reveals a profound and beautiful truth, when we helped someone feel loved, we help them do incredible, magical things.

Purchase Links: Amazon


Learn more about Jedlie

JedlieJedlie is one of the nation’s most exciting school show performers. He uses positive reinforcement, storytelling, illusions, comedy, music and dance to motivate audiences to make healthy choices, build safe schools, stand up for one another and to be inclusive. Jedlie left a successful career in social work to become a professional clown and magician. Since that time he has brought a magical message of caring and community to millions of hearts throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.

In addition to thousands of performances in schools, libraries and churches Jedlie has been the headline family entertainer at hundreds of great events, including: New Year’s Eve Celebration, New Bedford, MA * Connectfest Music Festival, Marciano Stadium, Brockton, MA * Multi Cultural Family Day, Archdiocese of Boston, Boston College High School, Boston, MA and many others.

One of his most memorable accomplishments was serving as the Producer, Screenwriter and Featured Performer in “MELTDOWN!!! (The Walls That Separate)”. This internationally acclaimed disabilities awareness video was cablecast nationally and seen in classrooms around the World.

He has recently published The Great Maritini Story & Activity Book and his second book Real Magic is set to be released on April 17.

Where can you find Jedlie on the internet?


Website for his podcast:

Connect with him on Social Media

Twitter    Facebook  Pinterest


More about Jen Milius

Jennifer MiliusJen Milius is a storyteller and people whisperer. She is an author, motivational speaker, and career and leadership coach. Jen has enjoyed writing and reading since she was a young girl, leading her to earn an undergraduate degree in Communications. Her career path has involved intense management skills such as public relations, project management, organization development and continuous improvement, but it was her love for storytelling, animals and helping people, especially young people, that inspired her to write about her two adorable cats, Einstein and Moo.

Check out her website at

To connect with Jen on social media:





In this episode, you’ll find out

  • Jedlie’s journey from social work to becoming a professional clown, magician, a podcast host and now a children’s book author
  • What inspired Jedlie to write for children and where did he get the idea for REAL MAGIC’s story
  • What does Jedlie hopes young readers to take away from this book
  • Some of the positive messages REAL MAGIC promotes, importance of reading with kids, What’s next for Jedlie and much more…Be sure to tune in & you’ll be so glad you did!


A big thank you to Jen Milius for joining us and for taking over the show to interview Jedlie!


So, there you have it. We’re sure you’ve enjoyed learning about REAL MAGIC as much as we did talking about it! If you’ve enjoyed this episode then please rate and review our show in iTunes and share it by clicking the social media buttons at the bottom of this page!

If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!😆

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Jedlie’s Magic Circus is fun for the whole family. Please visit to find out how to bring this inspiring show to your community.

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