RWYK Author Interview: The Sloppy Okapi

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A Heart-to-Heart with Children’s Author, Keith Bosco – “The Sloppy Okapi”

Hey there! Thank you for joining us on this edition of the Reading With Your Kids podcast!

Today we’re absolutely delighted to be joined by Delaware born and raised author, singer, songwriter, husband, and father of four, Keith Bosco! Keith is here to talk about his debut children’s book ‘The Sloppy Okapi.’ This book is a story about Charlie, a young okapi who wants to be a detective, but his one big flaw causes a big, big problem . . . he’s a very sloppy okapi!

An okapi is known as the forest giraffe or zebra giraffe. Keith tells us about his book, his inspiration for the story, and upcoming projects.

Tune in now to know more about the Sloppy Okapi and join Charlie as he uncovers clues, solves mysteries, helps his friends and deals with the consequences of his sloppiness!


Learn more about Keith Bosco

Keith Bosco, author of The Sloppy OkapiKeith Bosco is an author, musician, songwriter, husband, and father of four.


More about The Sloppy okapi

The Sloppy Okapi - Keith BoscoThe Sloppy Okapi is a story about an okapi named Charlie who wants to be a great detective but discovers that being sloppy, which comes naturally to Charlie, is his biggest challenge.

Join Charlie as he uncovers clues, solves mysteries, helps his friends and deals with the consequences of his sloppiness!


To get your copy of The Sloppy Okapi, check out the link below.


In this episode, Keith answers the following questions

  • Tell us about your latest book The Sloppy Okapi and where the idea came from?
  • What kind of questions is Keith asked by kids during his read-aloud sessions at schools?
  • How was your experience of leaving your career and house in Delaware to travel the country in an RV with your wife and 4 kids while promoting your book?
  • Tell us what inspires you to write…
  • What are you currently working on and where can people find you online?


Thanks for agreeing to this interview, Keith. We wish you all the best with The Sloppy Okapi!


Keith Bosco is a gem, is he not? Be sure to check out her book The Sloppy Okapi and stay tuned for the next edition of the Reading with Your Kids Podcast!


Finally, Where Can We Find Keith Bosco Online?

Visit his website:





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We’d love to hear from you!  Contact us and together we can discuss what ideas you think should be included in a future episode, and we can explore potentially setting up an interview. Our goal is to have all voices at the table!

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day😆

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