Ten Commandments for Kissing Gloria Jean

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Meet Britt Leigh, Author of Ten Commandments for Kissing Gloria Jean

Hello there! We are absolutely delighted to have this opportunity to sit down and  have a heart to heart conversation with author Britt Leigh about her new book Ten Commandments for Kissing Gloria Jean. If you have a young teen girl, or will at some point in the future, We’d highly recommend looking into this book & join Gloria Jean in her journey as she starts to figure out how she’s supposed to follow the rules, even when she isn’t even sure what they are—especially when it comes to making out and making up with God. Britt is joining us today to share some of her thoughts on writing this lovely little gem of a book. Be sure to join in…


A Florida girl by birth, but Bostonian at heart, Britt Leigh lives and writes down the block from either cherry blossoms or snow, depending on the season. Working in the publishing business, she feels blessed to have a job where she can pray and play with prose. Her first writing for teens appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Teens Talk Middle School and Teens Talk Getting into College. Britt holds a certificate in catechesis from the Theological Institute for the New Evangelization at St. John’s Seminary, a master of fine arts in writing for children from Simmons College, and two word-related degrees from the University of Florida (Go Gators!).

When Britt’s not immersed in writing, reading, talking, reviewing, or assisting books, she loves spending time with her 5 ‘Fs’: faith, family, friends, football, and fancy. She once heard that authors are forever writing the same story over and over again. If that’s true, her story is love. She blogs at brittleighbooks.com.

Ten Commandments for Kissing Gloria Jean:

Gloria Jean Wisnewski, age 14, wants her first kiss more than anything. Unfortunately, it’s not easy. Parents, friends, the sex ed teacher at school, and her Confirmation class catechists: everyone has opinions about what an eighth-grader should—and shouldn’t—do. Even her own body adds to the confusion with troubles of its own: she gets diagnosed with Celiac Disease (when the body cannot process gluten). Now the rules are that she can’t kiss boys after they’ve eaten any one of the two-hundred-and-forty-seven things that can contain gluten. And since Catholic Communion has to have gluten, she begins to doubt her faith.


In this interview, Britt discusses her book, her background in religion & writing, describes the main character Gloria Jean, a middle school girl confronted with numerous challenges involving her health, family, friends, and the world of dating. Tune in to this episode to learn more about this wonderful story of love and faith as central themes. Listen as Britt shares some of the great family games that will help your kids  in developing strong character, Promotes Problem Solving & also promotes family bonding. Be sure to listen & feel free to share with your family and friends.

Where can you find Britt Leigh:



Amazon Page



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