The Best Treehouse in the World by Holly Marcus

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Interview with Holly Marcus, author of The Best Treehouse in the World

Welcome back to another episode of the Reading with Your Kids podcast! This episode is particularly special as we talk about the importance of  teaching STEM to kids through a book or fun activities and benefits it brings to the kids, at all levels of ability, creating a truly inclusive and effective educational opportunity.

In this episode, We’re talking about one such book that provides a great context for learning science in a fun way. That book is titled The Best Treehouse in the World written by Holly Marcus. Holly’s book shows positive caring relationships between kids and their siblings, grandparents, and parents. It is motivating & engaging for kids. Knowledge is taught the way it is used in the real world, with concepts and subjects interwoven seamlessly. 

In our exciting interview, Holly discusses her book, Inspiration behind  her book, her favourite STEM activity from her book(How to make a Telephone), the importance of teaching STEM at early age and much more!

Here’s more information about Holly Marcus

Holly Marcus is an ex science teacher and now a mother. She wanted a book to read with her daughter that had child characters who weren’t afraid to learn new things and get their hands dirty. She also wanted to show positive caring relationships between kids and their siblings, grandparents, and parents. Since this kind of book is so rare, She decided to write this book. As a teacher, she wanted to extend the learning by creating an activity guide (found on facebook @thebesttreehouseintheworld) that kids could work through and learn with their families. Her daughter loves the book, especially the funny dialogue and parts with squirrels.


More about the The Best Treehouse in the World


The Best Treehouse in the World is a family-oriented book about a girl and her brother using the engineering design process to create the best treehouse in the world. What do a pulley, a soup can, a light bulb, and white paint have in common? After building a treehouse with their grandpa, Kate and Alex find that it is too much work, too far, too dark, and too hot. By following the engineering design process and using simple materials like pulleys and light bulbs, they solve these problems. This STEM novel is sure to become your family’s favorite read aloud. Be sure to check out the free, printable activity guide (the web address is included inside the book) so you can learn about simple machines, sound, biomimicry, heat, and electric circuits.

Get your copy of The Best Treehouse in the World today and surprise your little ones!

Here is the link on amazon –


In this episode, you” learn

  • More about The Best Treehouse in the World and & Holly’s journey from being a science teacher to a children’s book writer
  • What inspired her to write this book and the importance of teaching STEM through story books and fun activities
  • What motivated her to take up science as a main subject in collage and importance of encouraging girls to opt for a STEM career
  • What’s next for Holly & much more…Tune in now to learn more about Holly & The Best Treehouse in the World!


A big Thank You to Holly Marcus for joining us! Glad you all could join us for today’s guest interview! We hope you’ve enjoyed this interview and we look forward to  introducing you to some great guests in our next episode.

If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!



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Check out The Great Martini, A fun and touching story about Sam, a lovable but far from perfect magician who learns that the greatest transformation is transforming feelings of caring into action to help another human being. The Great Maritini, as an exclusive amazon e bookPlease click here to get your copy today.

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