THE KANDY KINGDOM SAGA by Gregg Millman post thumbnail image


Gregg Millman on his new Middle-Grade fantasy adventure series, THE KANDY KINGDOM SAGA

Hey everyone,

our guest today is Gregg Millman, a Screenwriter, and Middle-Grade Novelist, who’s created movies, TV shows and novels for kids, including a Nickelodeon movie, ONE CRAZY CRUISE. His new fantasy novel, THE KANDY KINGDOM SAGA, is the first in a series about the adventures of two kids in a magical world of candy torn apart by a war between the Sweet Treats and Sour Powers.

In this episode, Jed chatted with Gregg to talk more about his new fantasy novel THE KANDY KINGDOM SAGA, the inspiration behind his story, the importance of reading with your kids and the joy that comes with it, his next project & more. Tune in as Gregg talks about his positive, warm, child-centered & fun book!



More about the author

Gregg MillmanGregg Millman started writing for MSNBC, but realized writing for kids was much more fun. So he moved out to La La Land, where he took his lifelong love of John Hughes teen movies and put it to good use: creating all sorts of kid content, from angsty teen TV soaps to silly Nick movies to post-apocalyptic YA sci-fi series. Gregg has now landed in the alternate dimension of The Kandy Kingdom, where he plans to reside while he completes the book series.

Where Online Can People Find Gregg Millman?



The Kandy Kingdom Saga (Book 1): A Quirky, Humorous Magical Adventure Novel

The Kandy Kingdom Saga (Book 1)Middle school can be tricky enough. But things get really crazy when two 7th graders are transported to a magical world of candy. With all the sweets they can eat, it seems like heaven. But danger lurks everywhere – monsters, magic spells, and marshmallow mountain avalanches! Can these regular kids lead an army of candy creatures to victory in an epic battle and save the Kandy Kingdom?

This humorous, quirky novel is perfect for tween and Middle-Grade readers from 8 to 12 years old:

With strong female and male tween leads, this is a quirky, offbeat adventure fantasy filled with awesome action, epic battles, and surprising plot twists. Plenty of jokes and a sense of humor will keep readers laughing along with the wisecracking candy creatures.


The Kandy Kingdom Saga (Book 1) is available on Amazon!



In this episode of the Reading With Your Kids PodcastYou’ll find the answers to the following questions:

  • What’s THE KANDY KINGDOM SAGA is all about?
  • Talk about your creative process. Where do you get your inspiration from?
  • How did you become so adept at being able to come up with taglines that express so much in just a few words?
  • Was it easier for Gregg to transition from the style of writing of being more concise in writing to being a children’s writer?
  • Gregg has a 9 yr old son in his life so how did his son contribute in the writing process of THE KANDY KINGDOM SAGA?
  • In the KANDY KINGDOM SAGA, each chapter is narrated by a different character. Tell us something about your main characters?
  • How does reading with your kids help to build the foundation of a life long conversations?
  • What is Gregg currently working on, his future projects and much more…Be sure to tune in for all the great insights!



A big Thank You to Gregg Millman for talking to us and sharing her book with our listeners!


If you haven’t already done so, listen to this episode & feel free to share it by using the social media buttons at the bottom of this page. We would LOVE if you could leave us a review on iTunes.

Thanks for tuning in and have a wonderful day!😆

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